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The CustomizationLink Property

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When specified, the CustomizationLink property contains a URL for a page that makes it possible for users to customize the content of the Web Part. You can do this inline in the Web Part's content, or you can supply a URL in CustomizationLink. For example, the dashboard might place a small Edit button on the right side of the Web Part's title bar. When the user clicks the button, the view navigates to this URL, making it possible for the user to customize the content of the Web Part. Note that this is likely a per-user customization of content and does not affect the properties of the Web Part item in the Exchange Web store. In your customization pages, you often want to provide a Submit button that applies the user's changes and takes the user back to the dashboard. You can offer this by using Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript) to back up one page (window.history.back method).

This URL can point to anywhere, but it typically points to the site that is supplying the content for the Web Part. In addition, it can point to another Web Part or even the same Web Part, passing a parameter indicating customization.

See Also

Developing a Digital Dashboard Using Web Parts | Guidelines for Building Good Web Parts | The PartStorage Property | Cookies | Cookies and Non-Isolated Content