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RecurrencePattern Object

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Represents the pattern of incidence of recurring appointments and tasks for the associated AppointmentItem and TaskItem object.

Using the RecurrencePattern Object

Use the GetRecurrencePattern method to return the RecurrencePattern object associated with an AppointmentItem or TaskItem object.

Calling GetRecurrencePattern or ClearRecurrencePattern has the side effect of setting the IsRecurring property of the item accordingly. This property can be used as required for efficient filtering of the Items object.

The type of recurrence pattern is indicated by the RecurrenceType property. The RecurrenceType property is the first property you should set.

The following properties are valid for all recurrence patterns: EndTime, Occurrences, StartDate, StartTime, or Type.

The following table shows the properties that are valid for the different recurrence types. The properties listed are not all required for the given type; an error occurs if the item is saved and the property is null or contains an invalid value. Monthly and yearly patterns are only valid for a single day. Weekly patterns are only valid as the Or of the DayOfWeekMask.

RecurrenceType Properties Example
olRecursDaily Interval Every N days
  DayOfWeekMask Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
olRecursMonthly Interval Every N months
  DayOfMonth The Nth day of the month
olRecursMonthNth Interval Every N months
  Instance The Nth Tuesday
  DayOfWeekMask Every Tuesday and Wednesday
olRecursWeekly Interval Every N weeks
  DayOfWeekMask Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
olRecursYearly DayOfMonth The Nth day of the month
  MonthOfYear February
olRecursYearNth Instance The Nth Tuesday
  DayOfWeekMask Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
  MonthOfYear February