ADO Provider Properties and Settings
This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.
Microsoft Corporation
January 1999
Microsoft Jet 4.0 Provider Properties
The Properties Collection of the Connection Object
Provider-Specific ADO Connection Object Session Properties
The Properties Collection of the Command and Recordset Objects
The Properties Collection of the Table Object
The Properties Collection of the Column Object
The Properties Collection of the Index Object
Locale Identifier Property Settings
Extended Properties Property Settings
Microsoft SQL Server Provider Properties
The Microsoft ActiveX® Data Objects 2.1 (ADODB) Connection, Command, Recordset, and Field objects, the Parameters collection, and the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Extensions for Data Definition Language and Security 2.1 (ADOX) Table, Column, and Index objects all include a Properties collection. Each object's or collection's Properties collection exposes both standard ADO properties and provider-specific properties. Provider-specific properties are properties, exposed by the OLE DB provider itself, that aren't available as standard ADO properties or arguments of ADO methods.
Some properties in an ADO Properties collection are read-only and can only be used to check the value of a property at run time. Other properties are read/write and can be either read or set in code. In most cases, if a property is read/write, it can only be set before opening or executing the object. For example, when running against the Microsoft® Jet provider, the Properties collection of the Connection object provides a Jet OLEDB:System database property that can be used to specify the workgroup information file (system database) that defines the user and group accounts to use when working with a Microsoft Access database (.mdb) that has been secured with user-level security. This property can only be set before using the Open method to open the Connection object. After a Connection object is opened, the Jet OLEDB:System database property becomes read-only. All properties in an ADO Properties collection can be referenced by name, as shown in the following code fragment, which sets the Jet OLEDB:System database property in a Connection object before opening a database.
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
With cnn
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.Properties("Jet OLE DB:System Database") = _
.Open "\\MyComputer\MyShare\MyDatabase.mdb"
End With
You can also set properties in the Properties collection of a Connection object, and in the Provider property, when you open a connection. Simply pass the properties in the connection string to the ConnectionString argument of the Open method. As in the previous code sample, the following code fragment sets the Jet OLEDB:System database property before opening a database.
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
cnn.Open "Provider= Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _
& "Data Source=\\MyComputer\MyShare\MyDatabase.mdb;" _
& "Jet OLE DB:System Database = \\MyComputer\MyShare\MySystem.mdw"
For more information about connection strings, see "Using Connection Strings" in Chapter 14, "Working with the Data Access Components of an Office Solution," in the Microsoft Office 2000/Visual Basic® Programmer's Guide (Microsoft Press®, 1999).
The properties exposed in the Properties collection of the Collection object fall into three categories:
- Initialization properties, which expose settings for opening a connection to a data source.
- Data Source Information properties, which expose settings pertaining to the behavior of the provider and data source.
- Session properties, which expose database engine initialization settings for the current session.
The following tables describe properties in all three categories.
Table 1. Standard ADO Connection Object Initialization properties
Property Name | Description |
Cache Authorization | A Boolean value (read-only) that indicates whether the data source is allowed to cache sensitive authentication information, such as a password, in an internal cache. For the Microsoft Jet provider, this value is always True. |
Encrypt Password | A Boolean value (read-only) that indicates whether the password can be sent without encryption. For the Microsoft Jet provider, this value is always False. |
Mask Password | A Boolean value (read-only) that indicates whether the consumer requires that the password be sent to the data source in a masked form. |
Password | A String value (read/write) that specifies the password to be used when connecting to the data source. |
Persist Encrypted | A Boolean value (read-only) that indicates whether the data source object saves sensitive authentication information in an encrypted format. For the Microsoft Jet provider, this value is always False (no encryption). |
Persist Security Info | A Boolean value (read-only) that indicates whether the data source object can save sensitive authentication information. For the Microsoft Jet provider, this value is always False. |
User ID | A String value (read/write) that specifies the user ID to be used when connecting to the data source. |
Asynchronous Processing | A Long value (read/write). Not supported by the Microsoft Jet provider. |
Data Source | A String value (read/write) that specifies the name of the data source. Typically this consists of the path and file name of the data source. |
Window Handle | A Long value (read/write) that specifies the window handle to be used if the data source object needs to prompt the user for additional information. |
Locale Identifier | A Long value (read/write) that specifies the locale ID (LCID) to use when opening a database. The LCID specifies the database's collating order, which is the character set that will be used to determine how values in the database are sorted. This property does not guarantee that all text returned to the consumer will be translated according to the LCID.
The Locale Identifier property can also be used to specify the LCID when you create a new database by using the Create method of the ADOX Catalog object. See Locale Identifier Property Settings later in this document for a listing of the values that can be assigned. |
Mode | A Long value (read/write) that specifies a bitmask that indicates access permissions. When read from the Properties collection, the value returned is a number. When using the Mode property of the Connection object, you can use built-in constants, such as adModeRead. The Mode property can be one of the following values:
Read-only (adModeRead) 1 Write (adModeWrite) 2 Read/Write (adModeReadWrite) 3 Share Deny Read (adModeShareDenyRead) (Prevents others from opening in read mode.) 4 Share Deny Write (adModeShareDenyWrite) Share Deny Exclusive (adModeShareDenyExclusive) Share Deny None (adModeShareDenyNone) |
Prompt | A Long value (read/write) that specifies whether to prompt the user for connection information during initialization. The Prompt property can be one of the following constants:
Prompt Always (adPromptAlways) (Always prompt the user for initialization information.) 1 Prompt Complete (adPromptComplete) (Prompt the user only if more information is needed.) 2 Prompt Complete Required (adPromptCompleteRequired) (Prompts the user only if more information is needed. Doesn't allow the user to enter optional information.) 3 Prompt Never (adPromptNever) (Don't prompt the user.) 4 |
Extended Properties | A String value (read/write) that specifies a string that contains provider-specific connection information that can't be explicitly described through standard ADO properties.
For the Microsoft Jet provider, this property is used to pass the Microsoft Jet connection string for opening or creating databases of other file formats. For information about settings, see Extended Properties Property Settings later in this document. |
Table 2. Provider-specific Connection Object Initialization properties
Property Name | Description |
Jet OLEDB:Database Password | A String value (read/write) that specifies the password. Used to open a password-protected database. |
Jet OLEDB:Registry Path | A String value (read/write) that specifies the path to the registry subkey to use for Jet database engine settings. This value can be changed to a secondary location to store registry values for a particular application that are not shared with other applications that use the Jet database engine on the machine.
Don't include the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE tag in this setting. For example, the setting for the default location for Access 2000 is: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\9.0\Access |
Jet OLEDB:System Database | A String value (read/write) that specifies the location of the Microsoft Jet workgroup information file (system database) to use for authenticating users when opening a database secured with user-level security. Setting this property overrides the value set in the registry or the corresponding SystemDB value entry if the Jet OLEDB:Registry Path property is used. This setting can include the path to the file. |
Jet OLEDB:Engine Type | A Long value (read/write) that specifies which Jet database engine I-ISAM driver to use to access this database or file format. When you create a new database by using the Create method of the ADOX Catalog object, this can be used to specify the format for the new database. Once a database has been opened, this property can be read to determine what file version or format is open.
The Jet OLEDB:Engine Type property can be any of the following values: Engine Type Setting Unknown 0 Microsoft Jet 1.0 1 Microsoft Jet 1.1 2 Microsoft Jet 2.0 3 Microsoft Jet 3.x 4 Microsoft Jet 4.x 5 dBASE III 10 dBASE 4 11 dBASE 5 12 Excel 3.0 20 Excel 4.0 21 Excel 5.0 22 Excel 8.0 23 Excel 9.0 24 Exchange 4 30 Lotus WK1 40 Lotus WK3 41 Lotus WK4 42 Paradox 3.x 50 Paradox 4.x 51 Paradox 5.x 52 Paradox 7.x 53 Text 1.x 60 Html 1.x 70 |
Jet OLEDB:Database Locking Mode | A Long value (read/write) that specifies the mode used when locking the database to read or modify records.
The Jet OLEDB:Database Locking Mode property can be set to any of the following values: Page-level Locking 0 Row-level Locking 1 Note A database can only be open in one mode at a time. The first user to open the database determines the locking mode to be used while the database is open. |
Jet OLEDB:Global Partial Bulk Ops | A Long value (read/write) that determines the behavior of the Jet database engine when SQL DML bulk operations fail. When set to allow partial completion of bulk operations, inconsistent changes can occur because operations on some records could succeed and others could fail. When set to allow no partial completion of bulk operations, all changes are rolled back if a single error occurs. The Jet OLEDB:Global Partial Bulk Ops property setting can be overridden on a per-Recordset basis by setting the Jet OLEDB:Partial Bulk Ops property in the Properties collection of a Recordset object.
The Jet OLEDB:Global Partial Bulk Ops and Jet OLEDB:Partial Bulk Ops properties can be set to any of the following values: Default 0 Partial 1 No Partial 2 |
Jet OLEDB:Global Bulk Transactions | A Long value (read/write) that determines if SQL bulk operations are transacted. This property determines the default for all operations using the current connection.
No Bulk Transactions 1 Bulk Transactions 2 |
Jet OLEDB:New Database Password | A String value (read/write). When using the CompactDatabase method of the JRO JetEngine object, this property can be used to change a database password. The current password is passed as the Jet OLEDB:Database Password property in the SourceConnection argument, while the new password is passed as this property as part of the DestConnection argument. If successful, the Jet OLEDB:Database Password property will reflect the new database password. |
Jet OLEDB:Create System Database | A Boolean value (read/write) that can be passed as part of the ConnectionString argument of the Create method of the ADOX Catalog object to create a system database (workgroup information file) in which to store user and group account information for databases secured with user-level security. This property is ignored when connecting to a preexisting database. |
Jet OLEDB:Encrypt Database | A Boolean value (read/write) that can be passed as part of the DestConnect argument to the CompactDatabase method of the JRO JetEngine object to determine if the compacted database should be encrypted or decrypted. Setting to True encrypts the compacted database. If the current database is encrypted, setting to False removes encryption. |
Jet OLEDB:Don't Copy Locale on Compact | A Boolean value (read/write) that can be passed as part of the DestConnect argument to the CompactDatabase method of the JRO JetEngine object to determine if locale information is to be copied when compacting a database. This property is used to ensure that the compacted database has the same locale information across all tables and indexes. |
Jet OLEDB:Compact Without Replica Repair | A Boolean value (read/write) that can be passed as part of the DestConnect argument to the CompactDatabase method of the JetEngine object (JRO) to determine if it should attempt to repair damaged replicas by looking for other databases with which it can sync. |
Table 3. Standard ADO Connection Object Data Source Information properties
**Note **All Data Source Information properties are read-only for the Microsoft Jet provider.
Property Name | Description |
Active Sessions | A Long value (read-only) that specifies the maximum number of sessions that can exist at the same time. The Jet database engine can support a maximum of 128 sessions. |
Asynchronous Abort | A Boolean value (read-only) that specifies whether transactions can be aborted asynchronously. |
Asynchronous Commit | A Boolean value (read-only) that specifies whether transactions can be committed asynchronously. |
Pass By Ref Accessors | A Boolean value (read-only) that specifies whether the provider supports the DBACCESSOR_PASSBYREF flag in the IAccessor::CreateAccessor OLE DB interface. This applies to both row and parameter accessors. |
Catalog Location | A Long value (read-only) that specifies the position in a text command of a catalog name in a qualified table name.
The catalog name is at the start of The catalog name is at the end of |
Catalog Term | A String value (read-only) that specifies the name that the data source uses for a catalog; for example, "catalog," "database," or "directory." This is used to build user interfaces. |
Column Definition | A Long value (read-only) that specifies a bitmask defining the valid clauses for the definition of a column.
Columns can be created non-nullable. 1 |
Null Concatenation Behavior | A Long value (read-only) that specifies how the data source handles concatenation of null-valued and non-null–valued character data type columns, that is:
Result is the concatenation of the |
Data Source Name | A String value (read-only) that specifies the name of the data source. |
Read-Only Data Source | A Boolean value (read-only) that specifies whether the data source is read-only. |
DBMS Name | A String value (read-only) that specifies the name of the product accessed by the provider. For this provider, the string is "MS Jet". |
DBMS Version | A String value (read-only) that specifies the version of the product accessed by the provider. For this provider, the string is "4.00.0000". |
Data Source Object Threading Model | A Long value (read-only) that specifies the threading model of the data source object. For this provider, this value is always 1, which indicates that the threading model is free-threaded. |
Group By Support | A Long value (read-only) that specifies the relationship between the columns in a GROUP BY clause and the nonaggregated columns in a SELECT list. For this provider, this value is always 4, which indicates that the GROUP BY clause must contain all nonaggregated columns in the SELECT list. It can also contain columns that are not in the SELECT list. |
Heterogeneous Table Support | A Long value (read-only) that specifies a bitmask that indicates whether the provider can join tables from different catalogs or providers.
Different catalogs 1 Different providers 2 |
Identifier Case Sensitivity | A Long value (read-only) that specifies how identifiers respond to case. For the Microsoft Jet provider, this value is always 4, which indicates that identifiers in SQL are case-insensitive and are stored in mixed case in the system catalog. |
Maximum Index Size | A Long value (read-only) that specifies the maximum number of bytes allowed in the combined fields of an index. If there is no limit specified, or if the limit is unknown, this value defaults to 0. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is 255. |
Maximum Row Size | A Long value (read-only) that specifies the maximum length of a single record in a table. If there is no specified limit, or the limit is unknown, this value is 0. |
Maximum Row Size Includes BLOB | A Boolean value (read-only) that specifies whether the value returned by the Maximum Row Size property includes the length of all binary large object (BLOB) data. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always False. |
Maximum Tables in SELECT | A Long value (read-only) that specifies the maximum number of tables allowed in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement. If there is no specified limit, or the limit is unknown, this value is 0. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always 0. |
Multiple Parameter Sets | A Boolean value (read-only) that specifies whether the provider supports multiple parameter sets, but not multiple result sets. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always True. |
Multiple Results | A Long value (read-only) that specifies whether the provider supports multiple result sets. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always 0, which indicates that multiple result sets are not supported. |
Multiple Storage Objects | A Boolean value (read-only) that specifies whether the provider supports opening multiple storage objects (an OLE Object or Memo field) at one time. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always False, which indicates that the provider supports only one open storage object at a time.
Any method that attempts to open a second storage object returns an error for the column on which it attempted to open the second storage object, regardless of the rows or columns in which the objects are constructed. |
Multiple Table Update | A Boolean value (read-only) that specifies whether the provider can update Recordset objects derived from multiple tables. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always True. |
NULL Collation Order | A Long value (read-only) that specifies where Null values are collated (sorted). For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always 4, which indicates that null values are sorted at the low end of the list. |
OLE Object Support | A Long value (read-only) that specifies a bitmask that indicates the ways in which the provider supports access to BLOBs and OLE objects stored in columns. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always 1, which indicates that the provider supports access to BLOBs as structured objects. The consuming component determines what interfaces are supported through the Structured Storage property. |
Order By Columns in Select List | A Long value (read-only) that specifies whether columns in an ORDER BY clause are required to be on the SELECT list. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always False. |
Output Parameter Availability | A Long value (read-only) that specifies whether output parameters are supported. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always 1, which indicates that output parameters are not supported. |
Persistent ID Type | A Long value (read-only) that specifies an integer that indicates the type of database ID (DBID) that the provider uses when persisting DBIDs for tables, indexes, and columns. This is usually the type of DBID that the provider considers to be the most permanent under schema changes and physical data reorganizations. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always 4, which indicates that the provider saves the object's name as a string. |
Prepare Abort Behavior | A Long value (read-only) that specifies how aborting a transaction affects prepared commands. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always 1, which indicates that aborting a transaction deletes prepared commands. The application must reprepare commands before executing them. |
Procedure Term | A String value (read-only) that specifies a character string with the data source vendor's name for a procedure; for example, "database procedure," "stored procedure," or "procedure." This is used to build user interfaces. |
Provider Name | A String value (read-only) that specifies the file name of the provider. |
OLE DB Version | A String value (read-only) that returns the version of OLE DB supported by the provider. The version is returned in the format ##.## ####, where the first two digits are the major version, the next two digits are the minor version, and the last four digits are the release version. The provider can append a description of the provider. |
Quoted Identifier Sensitivity | A Long value (read-only) that specifies how quoted identifiers treat case. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always 8, which indicates that identifiers quoted in SQL are case-insensitive and are stored in mixed case in the system catalog. |
Rowset Conversions On Command | A Boolean value (read-only) that specifies whether callers to the IConvertType::CanConvert OLE DB interface can inquire on a command about conversions supported on Recordset objects generated by the command. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always True. |
SQL Support | A Long value (read-only) that specifies a bitmask that indicates the level of support for SQL. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always 200, which indicates that the Jet database engine supports a subminimum subset of SQL 92. |
Structured Storage | A Long value (read-only) that specifies a bitmask that indicates which interfaces on a storage object (an OLE Object or Memo field) are supported by the Recordset. The value returned will be the combined value (bitwise Or) of zero or more of the following values:
IsequentialStream 1 IlockBytes 8 |
Subquery Support | A Long value (read-only) that specifies a bitmask that indicates the predicates in text commands that support subqueries. The value returned will be the combined value (bitwise Or) of zero or more of the following values:
Correlated subqueries 1 Comparison 2 Exists 4 In 8 Quantified 10 Table 20 The Correlated subqueries bit indicates that all predicates that support subqueries also support correlated subqueries. |
Transaction DDL | A Long value (read-only) that specifies whether Data Definition Language (DDL) statements are supported in transactions. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always 8, which indicates that transactions can contain DDL and DML statements in any order. |
Isolation Levels | A Long value (read-only) that specifies a bitmask that indicates the supported transaction isolation levels. The value returned will be the combined value (bitwise Or) of zero or more of the following values:
Chaos 10 Read Uncommitted 100 Browse 100 Cursor Stability 1000 Read Committed 1000 Repeatable Read 10000 Serializable 100000 Isolated 100000 |
Isolation Retention | A Long value (read-only) that specifies a bitmask that indicates the supported transaction isolation retention levels. The value returned will be the combined value (bitwise Or) of zero or more of the following values:
The transaction preserves its isolation The transaction may either preserve |
Table Term | A String value (read-only) that specifies the name the data source uses for a table. |
Table 4. Standard ADO Connection Object Session properties
Property name | Description |
Autocommit Isolation Levels | A Long value (read-only) that specifies a bitmask that indicates the transaction isolation level while in Autocommit mode. The values that can be set in this bitmask are the same as those that can be set for Isolation Levels. |
Session properties specify settings that control other settings, which can be used to optimize the performance of the Jet database engine for the current session. The default values for all of these settings are specified in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines\Jet 4.0 subkey of the registry. Setting a session property overrides the stored values of that setting for the current instance of Microsoft Jet. Session properties can be set in either the Properties collection of the Connection object, or passed in the connection string to the Open method of the Connection object. If you set a session property using the Properties collection, you must set the property after the connection has been opened, as shown in the following code fragment:
cnn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
cnn.Open "c:\MyDb.mdb"
cnn.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Flush Transaction Timeout") = 1000
With the exception of the Jet OLEDB:ODBC Command Timeout, Jet OLEDB:Reset ISAM Stats, and Jet OLEDB:Connection Control properties, the session properties are equivalent to the settings available using the SetOption method of the DBEngine object in DAO. For more information about the SetOption method, see DAO 3.6 Help. For more information about Microsoft Jet database engine settings, see "Initializing the Microsoft Jet 4.0 Database Engine" in Microsoft DAO 3.6 Help and Chapter 13, "Optimizing Performance," in the Microsoft Jet Database Engine Programmer's Guide, Second Edition (Microsoft Press,**1997).
**Important **By default, the following properties all return zero if you read them from the Properties collection after opening the Connection object: Jet OLE DB:Max Locks Per File, Jet OLE DB:Flush Transaction Timeout, Jet OLE DB:Lock Delay, Jet OLE DB:Lock Retry, Jet OLE DB:Max Buffer Size, Jet OLE DB:Page Timeout, and Jet OLE DB:Shared AsyncDelay. To see the default values for these properties, examine the values in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines\Jet 4.0 subkey of the registry. However, if you set any of these properties after opening a Connection object, you can read the value you have set.
Table 5. Provider-specific ADO Connection Object Session properties
Property Name | Description |
Jet OLEDB:Recycle Long-Valued Pages | A Boolean value (read/write) that specifies whether Microsoft Jet should aggressively try to reclaim BLOB pages when they are freed. |
Jet OLEDB:Page Timeout | A Long value (read/write) that specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that Microsoft Jet will wait before checking to see if its cache is out of sync with the database file. |
Jet OLEDB:Shared Async Delay | A Long value (read/write) that specifies the maximum time Microsoft Jet can delay asynchronous writes to disk, in milliseconds, when the database is opened in multiuser mode.
This property is ignored unless the Jet OLEDB:Flush Transaction Timeout property is 0. |
Jet OLEDB:Exclusive Async Delay | A Long value (read/write) that specifies the maximum time Microsoft Jet can delay asynchronous writes to disk, in milliseconds, when the database is opened exclusively.
This property is ignored unless the Jet OLEDB:Flush Transaction Timeout property is 0. |
Jet OLEDB:Lock Retry | A Long value (read/write) that specifies the number of times to repeat attempts to access a locked page. |
Jet OLEDB:User Commit Sync | A Boolean value (read/write) that specifies whether changes made in user-explicit transactions are written in synchronous or asynchronous mode.
Changes are written synchronously. True Changes are written asynchronously. False |
Jet OLEDB:Max Buffer Size | A Long value (read/write) that specifies the largest amount of memory, in kilobytes, that Microsoft Jet can use before it starts flushing changes to disk. |
Jet OLEDB:Lock Delay | A Long value (read/write) that specifies how long to wait, in milliseconds, before attempting to acquire a lock after the previous attempt has failed. |
Jet OLEDB:Flush Transaction Timeout | A Long value (read/write) that specifies the amount of time of inactivity, in milliseconds, before the asynchronous write cache is flushed to disk. Setting this property to a nonzero value overrides the values for the Jet OLEDB:Shared Async Delay and Jet OLEDB:Exclusive Async Delay properties. |
Jet OLEDB:Implicit Commit Sync | A Boolean value (read/write) that specifies whether changes made in internal implicit transactions are written in synchronous or asynchronous mode.
Changes are written synchronously. True Changes are written asynchronously. False |
Jet OLEDB:Max Locks Per File | A Long value (read/write) that specifies the maximum number of locks that Microsoft Jet can place on a database. The default for this property is 9500. |
Jet OLEDB:ODBC Command Timeout | A Long value (read/write) that specifies the number of seconds before remote ODBC queries from Microsoft Jet time out. |
Jet OLEDB:Reset ISAM Stats | A Boolean value (read/write) that determines if the ISAMSTATS schema rowset should reset its performance counters after returning performance information.
Reset the ISAM performance counters Do not reset the ISAM performance |
Jet OLEDB:Connection Control | A Long value (read/write) that determines if users will be prevented from connecting to a database while the user who invoked connection control has the database open. Also called passive shutdown because when connection control is invoked, users currently connected to the database remain unaffected until they disconnect, at which point they will be unable to reconnect until connection control is revoked.
The Jet OLEDB:Connection Control property can be set to either of the following values: Passive Shutdown 1 Normal 2 |
The following tables describe both standard and Microsoft Jet provider-specific properties exposed in the Properties collections of Command and Recordset objects.
Table 6. Standard ADO Command and Recordset object properties
Property Name | Description |
Preserve on Abort | A Boolean value (read-only) that indicates that after an abort, or an abort that preserves, the only operations allowed on a Recordset object are to release record and accessor handles and to release the Recordset. For the Microsoft Jet provider, this value is always False. |
Append-Only Rowset | A Boolean value (read/write). If the value is True, when a Recordset object is opened, the Recordset will initially be empty. If the Recordset was obtained by using the Open method of the Recordset object, the cursor is positioned at the end of the table. If the Recordset was obtained by using the Execute method of the Command object, the cursor is positioned at the end of the command's results. A Recordset object opened when this property is set to True will be populated only by those records inserted in it.
Setting the Append-Only Rowset property to True implies the following: The IRowsetChange property is True. The Own Inserts Visible property is True. The Updatability property is set to 1 (Insert). The Others' Inserts Visible property is True. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the Append-Only Rowset property can only be used on Recordset objects returned by using the Execute method of the Command object. |
Blocking Storage Objects | A Boolean value (read-only) that specifies whether storage objects (an OLE Object or Memo field) might prevent the use of other methods on the Recordset object. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always True, which indicates that, after creating an instance of a storage object and before releasing it, use of other methods on the Recordset object might be prevented and return an error.
In general, Forward-only snapshots are the most restrictive in this regard. More full-featured cursors are generally less restrictive. |
Use Bookmarks | A Boolean value (read/write) that specifies whether the Recordset object supports bookmarks. When set to True, this value indicates that the Recordset supports bookmarks. Column 0 is the bookmark for the rows. Getting this column obtains a bookmark value, which can be used to reposition to the record. When set to False, this value indicates that the Recordset object does not support bookmarks. The Recordset is sequential and the values of the Literal Bookmarks and Bookmarks Ordered properties are ignored. |
Skip Deleted Bookmarks | A Boolean value (read-only) that specifies whether the Recordset supports the OLE DB IRowsetLocate::GetRowsAt or IRowsetFind::FindNextRow interfaces and allows you to continue if a bookmark record (1) was deleted, (2) is a record to which the consumer does not have access rights, or (3) is no longer a member of the Recordset. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always False and will return an error. |
Bookmark Type | A Long value (read-only) that specifies the bookmark type supported by the Recordset. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always 1, which indicates that the bookmark type is numeric. Numeric bookmarks are based on a record's properties that are not dependent on the values of the record's fields. For instance, a numeric bookmark can be based on the absolute position of the record within the Recordset, or on a record ID that the storage engine assigned to a tuple when it was created. The validity of numeric bookmarks is not changed by modifying the record's fields. |
Cache Deferred Columns | A Boolean value (read-only). For the Microsoft Jet provider, this value is always False, which indicates that the provider does not cache the value of a deferred field and multiple calls to the OLE DB IRowset::GetData interface because the field can return different values. |
Fetch Backward | A Boolean value (read/write) that specifies whether the Recordset object can fetch backwards from the current cursor position. |
Hold Rows | A Boolean value (read/write). When set to True, indicates that the Recordset object allows ADO to retrieve more records, or change the next fetch position, while holding previously fetched records with pending changes.
When set to False, indicates that the Recordset requires pending changes to be transmitted to the data source and all records to be released before fetching additional records, inserting new records, or changing the next fetch position. |
Scroll Backward | A Boolean value (read/write) that specifies whether the Recordset object can scroll backward. When True is returned, this value indicates that the Recordset can scroll backward (or forward).
When False is returned, the value indicates that the Recordset can only scroll forward. |
Change Inserted Rows | A Boolean value (read/write). For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always True, which indicates that you can use the Delete and Update methods of a Recordset object for newly inserted records.
A newly inserted record is defined as a record for which the insertion has been transmitted to the data source, as opposed to a pending insert record. |
Column Privileges | A Boolean value (read-only). For the Microsoft Jet provider, this value is always True, which indicates that access rights are restricted on a field-by-field basis. If the Recordset is updatable, the Update method cannot be called for at least one field. A provider must not execute a query that would specify a field for which the user has no read access rights. |
Preserve On Commit | A Boolean value (read-only). For the Microsoft Jet provider, this value is always True, which indicates that after a commit that preserves, the Recordset remains active. That is, it is possible to fetch new records, update, delete, and insert records, and so on. |
Defer Column | A Boolean value (read-only). For the Microsoft Jet provider, this value is always True, which indicates that the data in the field is not fetched until an accessor is used on the field. |
Delay Storage Object Updates | A Boolean value (read-only). For the Microsoft Jet provider, this value is always True, which indicates that in delayed update mode, storage objects (OLE Object or Memo fields) are also in delayed update mode. |
IAccessor IColumnsInfo IColumnsRowset IConnectionPointContainer IConvertType IRowset IRowsetChange IRowsetIdentity IRowsetInfo IRowsetLocate IRowsetResynch IRowsetScroll IRowsetUpdate ISupportErrorInfo IRowsetIndex IRowsetSetIndex |
Boolean values (read/write), except as noted below.
If the value of any of these properties is set to True, the Recordset object supports the specified OLE DB interface. These properties are primarily used to request interfaces through the ICommandProperties::SetProperties OLE DB interface The values of the IRowset, IAccessor, and IRowsetInfo properties are read-only and are always True. They cannot be set to False. If ADO does not set the value of any of these properties to True, the resulting Recordset object supports IRowset, IAccessor, IColumnsInfo, IConvertType, and IRowsetInfo. Setting IRowsetLocate to True automatically sets the Use Bookmarks property to True. Setting IRowsetUpdate to True automatically sets IRowsetChange to True. |
IlockBytes ISequentialStream |
Boolean values (read/write). If the values of these properties are set to True, the specified field is treated as a storage object (an OLE Object or Memo field) that exposes the specified interface. |
Immobile Rows | A Boolean value (read-only). For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always False, which indicates that if the Recordset object is ordered, then inserted records and updated records (where one or more of the fields in the ordering criteria are updated) obey the ordering criteria of the Recordset object. If the Recordset object is not ordered, then inserted records are not guaranteed to appear in a determinate position and the position of updated rows is not changed.
This property is meaningful only if the Own Inserts Visible property is True. |
Literal Bookmarks | A Boolean value (read-only). For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always False, which indicates that bookmarks can't be compared to each other byte-by-byte for their literal values and can only be compared by using the IRowsetLocate::Compare OLE DB interface. |
Literal Row Identity | A Boolean value (read-only). For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always False, which indicates that the consumer must call the IRowsetIdentity::IsSameRow OLE DB interface to determine whether two record handles point to the same record. |
Maximum Open Rows | A Long value (read/write) specifying the maximum number of records that can be active at the same time. This limit does not reflect resource limitations such as RAM, but does apply if the Recordset object implementation uses some strategy that results in a limit. If there is no limit, the value of this property is 0. |
Maximum Pending Rows | A Long value (read-only) that specifies the maximum number of records that can have pending changes at the same time. This limit does not reflect resource limitations such as RAM, but does apply if the Recordset object implementation uses some strategy that results in a limit. If there is no limit, this value is 0. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always 1. |
Maximum Rows | A Long value (read-only) that specifies the maximum number of rows that can be returned in a Recordset object. If there is no limit, this value is 0. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always 0. |
Column Writable | A Boolean value (read-only) that specifies whether a particular field is writable. This property can be set implicitly through the command used to create the Recordset object. For example, if the Recordset object is created by the SQL statement SELECT A,B FROM MyTable FOR UPDATE OF A, then this property is True for field A and False for field B. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always False. |
Memory Usage | A Long value (read-only) that estimates the amount of memory that can be used by the Recordset object. If it is 0, the Recordset object can use unlimited memory. If it is 1 to 99 inclusive, the Recordset object can use the specified percentage of total available virtual memory (physical and page file). If the value is greater than or equal to 100, the Recordset object can use up to the specified number of kilobytes of memory. |
Notification Granularity | A Long value (read-only). For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always 2. This value indicates that, for methods operating on multiple records and generating multiphased notifications, the provider calls the RecordChangeComplete method once for all records that succeed and once for all records that fail for each phase. This separation can occur at each phase where a change can fail. |
Notification Phases | A Long value (read-only) that specifies a bitmask indicating the notification phases supported by the provider.
Okay to do 1 About to do 2 Failed to do 8 Did event 10 |
Column Set Notification Row Delete Notification Row First Change Notification Row Insert Notification Row Resynchronization Notification Rowset Release Notification Rowset Fetch Position Change Notification Row Undo Change Notification Row Undo Delete Notification Row Undo Insert Notification Row Update Notification |
Long values (read-only) that specify a bitmask indicating whether the notification phase can be cancelled.
The Microsoft Jet provider returns all flags for these properties. Okay to do 1 About to do 2 |
Bookmarks Ordered | A Boolean value (read-only). For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always False, which indicates that bookmarks can be compared only for equality. Whether bookmarks can be compared byte-by-byte or must be compared by using the IRowsetLocate::Compare OLE DB interface depends on the value of the Literal Bookmarks property. |
Others' Inserts Visible | A Boolean value (read-only) that indicates whether records inserted by others are visible. |
Others' Changes Visible | A Boolean value (read/write).
When set to True, indicates that the Recordset object can see updates and deletions made by someone other than the current user of the Recordset object. (For example, suppose that someone other than the current user of the Recordset object updates the data underlying a record or deletes the record. If the record is released completely, any user of the Recordset object will see that change the next time the record is fetched. This includes updates and deletions made by other parties in the same transaction, as well as updates and deletions by parties outside the transaction.) The transaction isolation level does not affect the ability of the Recordset object to see updates or deletions by other parties in the same transaction, such as other Recordset objects in the same session. However, it does restrict the ability of the Recordset object to see updates or deletions by parties outside the transaction. When set to False, indicates that the Recordset object cannot see updates and deletions by others. |
Own Inserts Visible | A Boolean value (read/write).
When set to True, this value indicates that the Recordset object can see its own inserts. That is, if a user of a Recordset object inserts a record, any user of the Recordset object can see that record the next time it fetches a set of records containing it. This ability is independent of the transaction isolation level, because all users of the Recordset object share the same transaction. When set to False, this value indicates that the Recordset object cannot see records inserted by users of the Recordset object unless the command is reexecuted. |
Own Changes Visible | A Boolean value (read/write).
When set to True, this value indicates that the Recordset object can see its own updates and deletions. (That is, suppose a user of the Recordset object updates or deletes a record. If the record is released completely, any user of the Recordset object will see the update or deletion the next time it fetches that record.) This ability is independent of the transaction isolation level because all users of the Recordset object share the same transaction. When set to False, this value indicates that the Recordset object cannot see updates and deletions by users of the Recordset object unless the command is reexecuted. |
Quick Restart | A Boolean value (read/write).
When set to True, this value indicates that restarting a Recordset object at its original record location is relatively quick to execute. In particular, it does not reexecute the command that created the Recordset object. When set to False, this value indicates that restarting is expensive to execute and requires reexecuting the command that created the Recordset object. |
Re-entrant Events | A Boolean value (read-only). For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always False, which indicates that the provider does not support such reentrance. The provider returns an error on methods called during the notification. |
Remove Deleted Rows | A Boolean value (read/write). For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always True. |
Report Multiple Changes | A Boolean value (read-only). For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always True. |
Return Pending Inserts | A Boolean value (read-only). For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always False, which indicates that the methods that fetch records cannot return pending insert records. |
Row Privileges | A Boolean value (read-only). For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always False, which indicates that access rights are not restricted on a record-by-record basis. |
Asynchronous Rowset Processing | A Long value (read/write) that specifies a bitmask indicating the asynchronous processing performed on the Recordset object. The value can be set to the combined value (bitwise Or) of zero or more of the following values:
Initialize 1 Sequential Population 2 Random Population 4 For the Microsoft Jet provider, by default, no bits are set and the Recordset object is initialized and populated synchronously. All requested interfaces are available when the method requesting the Recordset object returns, and you can't work with records until the requested number of records is obtained or the end of the Recordset object is reached. |
Row Threading Model | A Long value (read-only) that specifies the threading model of the Recordset objects generated by the command. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always 1, which indicates a free-threaded model. |
Strong Row Identity | A Boolean value (read-only). For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always False, which indicates that there is no guarantee that the handles of newly inserted records can be compared successfully. In this case, OLE DB might return an error indicating that the provider can't determine the identity of the newly inserted records. |
Objects Transacted | A Boolean value (read-only) that indicates whether any object created on the specified field is transacted. (That is, data made visible to the data source through the object can be committed with the CommitTrans method or aborted with the RollbackTrans method.) If this property is set on a field that does not contain an object, it is ignored. |
Updatability | A Long value (read/write) that specifies a bitmask indicating the supported methods on IRowsetChange. The value returned will be the combined value (bitwise Or) of zero or more of the following values:
Change 1 Delete 2 Insert 4 |
Table 7. Provider-specific Command and Recordset object properties
Property Name | Description |
Jet OLEDB:ODBC Pass-Through Statement | A Boolean value (read/write) that specifies whether SQL text in a Command object should be passed to the back end unaltered. |
Jet OLEDB:Pass Through Query Connect String | A String value (read/write) that specifies the Microsoft Jet connection string to be used to connect to the remote data source. This property is used with the Jet OLEDB:ODBC Pass-Through Statement property and is ignored unless the value for that property is True. |
Jet OLEDB:Bulk Transactions | A Long value (read/write) that determines if SQL bulk operations are transacted. This property determines if the current command execution is transacted.
Due to resource limitations, large bulk operations may fail when transacted. This property overrides the value set for the Jet OLEDB:Global Bulk Transactions property for the current Recordset object. Default No Bulk Transactions 1 Bulk Transactions 2 |
Jet OLEDB:Partial Bulk Ops | A Long value (read/write) that determines the behavior of the Jet database engine when SQL DML bulk operations fail. When set to allow partial completion of bulk operations, inconsistent changes can occur, because operations on some records could succeed and others could fail. When set to allow no partial completion of bulk operations, all changes are rolled back if a single error occurs. The Jet OLEDB:Global Partial Bulk Ops property setting can be overridden for the current Recordset object by setting the Jet OLEDB:Partial Bulk Ops property.
The Jet OLEDB:Global Partial Bulk Ops and Jet OLEDB:Partial Bulk Ops properties can be set to any of the following values: Default 0 Partial 1 No Partial 2 |
Jet OLEDB:Enable Fat Cursors | A Boolean value (read/write) that indicates whether Microsoft Jet should cache multiple records when populating the cursor for remote record sources. |
Jet OLEDB:Fat Cursor Cache Size | A Long value (read/write) that specifies the number of records that should be cached when using remote data source record caching. Only used if the Jet OLEDB:Enable Fat Cursors property is set to True. |
Jet OLEDB:Validate Rules On Set | A Boolean value (read/write) that specifies whether Microsoft Jet validation rules are evaluated when field values are set or when changes to the entire record are being saved to the database.
Validation rules are evaluated Validation rules are only |
Jet OLEDB:Stored Query | A Boolean value (read/write) that determines if the text set in the CommandText property of a Command object should be interpreted as the name of a stored query instead of an SQL statement.
This is a stored query. True Use normal parsing to evaluate |
Jet OLEDB:Locking Granularity | A Long value (read/write) that determines if a table is opened by using row-level (per-record) locking or page-level locking. This property is ignored unless the Jet OLEDB:Database Locking Mode property is set to 1 (row-level locking).
Page-level locking 1 Row-level locking 2 |
The following tables describe both standard and Microsoft Jet provider-specific properties exposed in the Properties collections of the ADOX Table object. Use these settings to specify additional table properties when creating tables.
Table 8. Standard ADO Table Object properties
Property Name | Description |
Temporary Table | A Boolean value (read-only) that specifies whether the table is temporary. For the Microsoft Jet provider, the value is always False, which indicates that the table is created permanently. |
Table 9. Provider-specific Table Object properties
Property Name | Description |
Jet OLEDB:Create Link | A Boolean value (read/write) that determines that using the Append method of the ADOX Tables collection should create a link to a remote data source instead of creating a table in the native store. |
Jet OLEDB:Exclusive Link | A Boolean value (read/write) that determines if a link should be created so that the remote source is opened exclusively. This is only used when the Jet OLEDB:Create Link property is set to True. |
Jet OLEDB:Link Datasource | A String value (read/write) that specifies the database to use when creating a linked table that is linked to a table in another Microsoft Jet (Access) database. This is only used when the Jet OLEDB:Create Link property is set to True. |
Jet OLEDB:Link Provider String | A String value (read/write) that specifies the Microsoft Jet connection string to be used when connecting to a remote I-ISAM or ODBC data source to create a linked table. This is similar in function to the Extended Properties property used to connect to a remote data source with a Connection object, except that it only applies to a single table. This is only used when the Jet OLEDB:Create Link property is set to True. |
Jet OLEDB:Remote Table Name | A String value (read/write) that specifies the name of the remote table to be used to create a linked table. The name assigned to the linked table itself can be different from the remote table's name. This is only used when the Jet OLEDB:Create Link property is set to True. |
Jet OLEDB:Cache Link Name/Password | A Boolean value (read/write) that specifies whether authentication information for the link to a remote ODBC data source should be cached in the Microsoft Jet database. This is only used when the Jet OLEDB:Create Link property is set to True. |
Jet OLEDB:Table Validation Rule | A String value (read/write) that specifies the expression to be evaluated on a table in order to validate the values of a record before saving the record's changes. This operates in a fashion similar to SQL-92 CHECK clauses. This is also very similar to the Jet OLEDB:Column Validation Rule property, but this rule can refer to multiple fields within the table, allowing for more complicated restrictions. |
Jet OLEDB:Table Validation Text | A String value (read/write) that specifies the error string to display when the validation rule specified in the Jet OLEDB:Table Validation Rule property is not met. |
Jet OLEDB:Table Hidden in Access | A Boolean value (read/write) that specifies whether the object should be displayed in the Microsoft Access Database window and other areas of the Access user interface.
This property has no effect on whether the object is displayed through the OLE DB layer. As such, ADO will also display hidden objects, even when running under Microsoft Access. |
The following tables describe both standard and Microsoft Jet provider-specific properties exposed in the Properties collections of the ADOX Column object. Use these settings to specify additional field properties when creating tables.
Table 10. Standard ADO Column Object properties
Property Name | Description |
Autoincrement | A Boolean value (read/write) that specifies whether the values of the field are automatically incremented when adding a new record. |
Default | A Variant value (read/write) that specifies the default value for a field—typically a string, domain, or field. If the default value is a string, the string must be surrounded by double quotation marks to distinguish it from an object of the same name. |
Description | A String value (read/write) that specifies a description for the field. |
Fixed Length | A Boolean value (read/write) that specifies whether a field is fixed or variable length. |
Nullable | A Boolean value (read/write) that specifies whether a column can contain a Null value. |
Table 11. Provider-specific Column Object properties
Property Name | Description |
Jet OLEDB:Hyperlink | A Boolean value (read/write) that specifies whether this field is a stored hyperlink. This property is ignored unless the underlying storage type is adLongVarWChar (a Memo field). |
Jet OLEDB:Allow Zero Length | A Boolean value (read/write) that determines if zero-length string values can be added to this field. Ignored for data types that are not strings. Note that this property is similar to the standard Nullable property but distinct from it. Zero-length strings are not Nulls for the Jet database engine. |
Jet OLEDB:Compressed UNICODE Strings | A Boolean value (read/write) that determines if the Jet database engine should compress Unicode strings on the disk. This applies only to the Microsoft Jet version 4.0 .mdb file format and is ignored when running against all other storage formats. |
Jet OLEDB:One BLOB per Page | A Boolean value (read/write) that determines whether BLOB values can share database pages in order to conserve space. |
Jet OLEDB:AutoGenerate | A Boolean value (read/write) that determines whether a globally unique identifier (GUID) should be automatically generated for the field when a new record is added. This property is ignored unless the underlying storage type is adGUID. |
Jet OLEDB:IISAM Not Last Column | A Boolean value (read/write). For Installable-ISAM (I-ISAM) drivers, this property states that there are more fields to be added to the table after the current one. If you are using the Append method of the Columns collection or Table object to define fields, you must set this property for every field except the last field to be added to the table to correctly create the table.
This does not apply to the native Microsoft Jet database file format or any I-ISAM driver that reads previous formats of native Microsoft Jet database files. |
Jet OLEDB:Column Validation Rule | A String value (read/write) that specifies an expression to be evaluated for a field to validate its value before allowing it to be set. Operates in a fashion similar to SQL-92 CHECK clauses. |
Jet OLEDB:Column Validation Text | A String value (read/write) that specifies an error string to display when the validation rule specified for the Jet OLEDB:Column Validation Rule property is not met. |
The following tables describe both standard and Microsoft Jet provider-specific properties exposed in the Properties collections of the ADOX Index object. Use these settings to specify additional properties when creating indexes and primary keys.
Table 12. Standard ADO Index Object properties
Property name | Description |
Auto Update | A Boolean value (read-only) that specifies whether the index is maintained automatically when changes are made to the corresponding base table. For the Microsoft Jet provider, this value is always True. |
Clustered | A Boolean value (read-only) that specifies whether an index is clustered (that is, whether the leaf nodes of the index contain bookmarks relating to the base table rows with key values matching the key values of the index entry). For the Microsoft Jet provider, this value is always False. |
Fill Factor | A String value (read-only). For a B+- tree index, this property represents the storage use of page nodes during the creation of the index. The value is an integer from 1 to 100 that represents the percentage of use of an index node. For a linear hash index, this property represents the storage use of the entire hash structure (the ratio of the used area to the total allocated area) before expansion of file structures occurs. For the Microsoft Jet provider, this value is always 100 percent. |
Initial Size | A Long value (read-only) that specifies the total number of bytes allocated to this structure at creation time. For the Microsoft Jet provider, this value is always 4,096 bytes for one page. |
NULL Collation | A Long value (read-only) that specifies how Null values are collated (sorted) in the index. For the Microsoft Jet provider, this value is always 4, which indicates that Null values are collated at the low end of the list. |
NULL Keys | A Long value (read/write) that specifies whether Null keys are allowed. For the Microsoft Jet provider, this value is always 1, which indicates that the index does not allow entries where the key fields are Null. If the your code attempts to insert an index entry with a Null key, then the provider returns an error.
This provider supports indexes that are nullable, and indexes where Null keys are disallowed. |
Primary Key | A Boolean value (read/write) that specifies whether the index represents the primary key on the table. |
Sort Bookmarks | A Boolean value (read-only) that specifies whether the index sorts repeated keys by bookmark. For the Microsoft Jet provider, this value is always False. |
Temporary Index | A Boolean value (read-only) that specifies whether the index is temporary. For the Microsoft Jet provider, this value is always False. |
Index Type | A Long value (read-only) that specifies the type of the index. For the Microsoft Jet provider, this value is always 1, which indicates that the index is a B+- tree. |
Unique | A Boolean value (read/write) that specifies whether index keys must be unique. |
The following values are used with the Locale Identifier property of the Connection object to specify the locale ID to use when you open a database. You can also use the Locale Identifier property to specify the locale ID to use when you create a new database with the Create method of the ADOX Catalog object. To do this, pass the value for the Locale Identifier property as part of the connection string passed in the ConnectionString argument of the Create method.
Table 13. Locale Identifier property settings
Collating Order | Locale Identifier Property Setting |
The General collating order supports sorting for the following languages: Afrikaans |
1033 |
Chinese Punctuation | 2052 |
Chinese Stroke Count | 133124 |
Chinese Stroke Count (Taiwan) | 1028 |
Chinese Bopomofo (Taiwan) | 197636 |
Croatian | 1050 |
Czech | 1029 |
Estonian | 1061 |
French | 1036 |
Georgian Modern | 66615 |
German Phone Book | 66567 |
Hungarian | 1038 |
Hungarian Technical | 66574 |
Icelandic | 1039 |
Japanese | 1041 |
Japanese Unicode | 66577 |
Korean | 1042 |
Korean Unicode | 66578 |
Latvian | 1062 |
Lithuanian | 1063 |
Macedonian (FYROM) | 1071 |
Norwegian/Danish | 1044 |
Polish | 1045 |
Romanian | 1048 |
Slovak | 1051 |
Slovenian | 1060 |
Spanish (Traditional) | 1034 |
Spanish (Spain) | 3082 |
Swedish/Finnish | 1053 |
Thai | 1054 |
Turkish | 1055 |
Ukrainian | 1058 |
Vietnamese | 1066 |
The following table lists the Extended Properties property values to use for the data sources supported by the Jet database engine.
Table 14. Extended Properties property values
Data Source | Extended Properties Property Value |
Microsoft Excel | Excel 3.0 Excel 4.0 Excel 5.01 Excel 8.02 |
FoxPro | FoxPro tables are accessed by using the Microsoft FoxPro ODBC driver. |
Lotus | Lotus WK1 Lotus WK3 Lotus WK4 |
Paradox | Paradox 3.x Paradox 4.x Paradox 5.x |
HTML | HTML Import |
Microsoft Exchange | Exchange 4.03 |
Text | Text |
1 The Excel 5.0 source database type string is used to specify both Microsoft Excel 5.0 and 7.0 workbooks.
2 The Excel 8.0 source database type string is used to specify both Microsoft Excel 8.0 and 9.0 workbooks.
3 The Exchange 4.0 source database type string is used to specify Microsoft Exchange 4.0, 5.0, and Outlook folders and address books.
For information about the properties exposed through the ADO Properties collections when using ADO code with the OLE DB Provider for SQL Server™ (SQLOLEDB) to work with SQL Server databases, see "Building SQL Server Applications" in the documentation provided with Microsoft SQL Server 7.0.
The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, this paper should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT.
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