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CloseProxies Function

CloseProxies Function

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The CloseProxies function closes a proxy address generation session.

Applies To

Proxy Generation DLL Entry Points


[C++]void CloseProxies (     HANDLE hProxySession );


  • hProxySession
    Specifies the handle to the proxy address generation sessions, as returned by the RcInitProxies Function.

Return Value

No return value.


The CloseProxies function is expected to close the proxy address generation session, and free any remaining memory that was allocated. After calling CloseProxies, the calling program can unload the dynamic-link library (DLL).

The CloseProxies function should not display any user interface, because proxy generation should be performed silently.

The CloseProxies function is defined in the proxygen.h header file.

The CloseProxies function should not display any user interface, because proxy generation should be performed silently.

Test programs and other applications that use the proxy generation DLL can use the proxyinf.h, retcode.h, and proxygen.h header files that define proxy generation DLL interfaces, structures, and return codes.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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