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Working with C++

Working with C++

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

The technologies used to build applications with Microsoft® Exchange, such as Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) and Microsoft ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO), are Component Object Model (COM) components, which provide their services through the COM run time. To start working immediately in a C++ development environment, you simply need to include the appropriate type information (interfaces and enumerations) and GUIDs. In most cases, header files that contain this type information are provided in the Platform SDK section of the MSDN® Library. In addition, most COM components have an associated type library contained as a resource in the dynamic-link library (DLL) that can be used to extract type information (although in Active Directory® Service Interfaces (ADSI), the type library is in a separate file). The names and locations of these files are discussed in the following sections.

C++ provides the greatest amount of flexibility and speed when you build applications. Besides CDO and ADO, you can use native OLE DB and C++-compatible ADSI interfaces and functions in your applications.

The following sections discuss:

Using C++ Header Files

Using Native COM Support in C++

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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