The Script Host Sink

The Script Host Sink

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The Script Host Sink is provided and registered with Microsoft® Exchange Server 2003 for running all event methods in scripts. The Script Host Sink runs the scripts in process. To run a script, specify the Script Host Sink as the event sink class and then specify the script in the ScriptUrl Field of the event registration item.

For an explanation of how to name the event methods in scripts properly, see Naming Event Methods in Scripts.

The Script Host is located in exodbesh.dll. It is not registered with the installation of Exchange automatically. It should be registered on the server by an administrator. The typical registration name is ExOleDB.ScriptEventSink.1.

Use the regsvr32 command to register exodbesh.dll on the server, as in the following example:

C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\BIN>regsvr32 exodbesh.dll

After the Script Host Sink has been registered on the server, it must also be wrapped in a COM+ application before it can be used to run script event sinks. See COM+ Applications and The ESHMTS Script for more information.

Note  Registering the Script Host Sink and wrapping it in a COM+ application will allow any user to register and run a script-based event sink in any folder on the Exchange server to which the user has write access, such as a mailbox folder. A badly written script event sink can have a serious performance impact on the Exchange that the script sink is running on.

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This topic last updated: December 2003

Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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