Texture Viewer (Windows Explorer Extension)

The texture viewer displays thumbnail images in the Microsoft Windows file preview system.

Texture viewer can display the following image formats:

  • Bitmap (.bmp file)
  • DirectDraw Surface (.dds file)
  • DIB (.dib file)
  • HDR image (.hdr file)
  • JPEG (.jpg file)
  • PFM (.pfm file)
  • PNG (.png file)
  • PPM (.ppm file)
  • TGA (.tga file)

For more information about these image formats, see D3DXIMAGE_FILEFORMAT.

For a cube texture, the forward cube face will be displayed on the screen. For a volume texture, the first plane will be displayed. These display properties cannot be configured by the user.

Compatibility Chart

Direct3D 9 DXGI (Direct3D 10+) 64-bit Native Mode Windows XP Windows Vista








The texture viewer requires a Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista operating system; it does not work on Windows Millennium.


The texture viewer is automatically installed from Txview.dll when you install the DirectX SDK.

Note  Installation does not override any existing Windows viewer settings for any texture file formats.

User's Guide

From a folder view of your texture files, use the Windows View menu to view thumbnail images with texture file information. Use one of the following procedures.

Thumbnail View

In the View menu, select Thumbnails . Thumbnails of all supported file formats (see list above) will be displayed. If more than one level is available in a file's mipmap, only the top mipmap level will be displayed.


Texture view using the Explorer menu


Details View

If necessary, first switch out of Windows classic folder view; see the note below. Select the file that you want to view, and then on the View menu, click Details . A rendering of the image will be displayed in the Details pane of the Explorer bar.


Texture view using Details panel of the Explorer bar


Note  The Details view functionality will not work if you are using the Microsoft Windows classic folder view. To change your folder settings, use the following procedure.

  1. Open any folder.
  2. In the folder's Tools menu, select Folder Options...
  3. In the General tab, select the radio button labeled Show common tasks in folders.
  4. Click Apply and then OK .

To go back to the Windows classic folder view, use this same procedure, but instead select the radio button labeled Use Windows classic folders .


Folder Options dialog box




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Build date: 3/11/2010