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The Win32_OperatingSystem WMI class represents a Windows-based operating system installed on a computer.
The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all of the inherited properties. Properties and methods are in alphabetic order, not MOF order.
[Singleton, Dynamic, Provider("CIMWin32"), SupportsUpdate, UUID("{8502C4DE-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}"), AMENDMENT]
class Win32_OperatingSystem : CIM_OperatingSystem
string BootDevice;
string BuildNumber;
string BuildType;
string Caption;
string CodeSet;
string CountryCode;
string CreationClassName;
string CSCreationClassName;
string CSDVersion;
string CSName;
sint16 CurrentTimeZone;
boolean DataExecutionPrevention_Available;
boolean DataExecutionPrevention_32BitApplications;
boolean DataExecutionPrevention_Drivers;
uint8 DataExecutionPrevention_SupportPolicy;
boolean Debug;
string Description;
boolean Distributed;
uint32 EncryptionLevel;
uint8 ForegroundApplicationBoost = 2;
uint64 FreePhysicalMemory;
uint64 FreeSpaceInPagingFiles;
uint64 FreeVirtualMemory;
datetime InstallDate;
uint32 LargeSystemCache;
datetime LastBootUpTime;
datetime LocalDateTime;
string Locale;
string Manufacturer;
uint32 MaxNumberOfProcesses;
uint64 MaxProcessMemorySize;
string MUILanguages[];
string Name;
uint32 NumberOfLicensedUsers;
uint32 NumberOfProcesses;
uint32 NumberOfUsers;
uint32 OperatingSystemSKU;
string Organization;
string OSArchitecture;
uint32 OSLanguage;
uint32 OSProductSuite;
uint16 OSType;
string OtherTypeDescription;
Boolean PAEEnabled;
string PlusProductID;
string PlusVersionNumber;
boolean PortableOperatingSystem;
boolean Primary;
uint32 ProductType;
string RegisteredUser;
string SerialNumber;
uint16 ServicePackMajorVersion;
uint16 ServicePackMinorVersion;
uint64 SizeStoredInPagingFiles;
string Status;
uint32 SuiteMask;
string SystemDevice;
string SystemDirectory;
string SystemDrive;
uint64 TotalSwapSpaceSize;
uint64 TotalVirtualMemorySize;
uint64 TotalVisibleMemorySize;
string Version;
string WindowsDirectory;
uint8 QuantumLength;
uint8 QuantumType;
The Win32_OperatingSystem class has these types of members:
The Win32_OperatingSystem class has these methods.
Method | Description |
Reboot | Shuts down and then restarts the computer system. |
SetDateTime | Allows the computer date and time to be set. |
Shutdown | Unloads programs and DLLs to the point where it is safe to turn off the computer. |
Win32Shutdown | Provides the full set of shutdown options supported by Windows operating systems. |
Win32ShutdownTracker | Provides the same set of shutdown options supported by the Win32Shutdown method in Win32_OperatingSystem, but also allows you to specify comments, a reason for shutdown, or a timeout. |
The Win32_OperatingSystem class has these properties.
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("Win32API|DRIVE_MAP_INFO|btInt13Unit")
Name of the disk drive from which the Windows operating system starts.
Example: "\\Device\Harddisk0"
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("Win32API|System Information Structures|OSVERSIONINFOEX|dwBuildNumber")
Build number of an operating system. It can be used for more precise version information than product release version numbers.
Example: "1381"
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("Win32Registry|Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion|CurrentType")
Type of build used for an operating system.
Examples: ""retail build"", ""checked build""
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MaxLen (64), DisplayName ("Caption")
Short description of the object—a one-line string. The string includes the operating system version. For example, "Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise ". This property can be localized.
Windows Vista and Windows 7: This property may contain trailing characters. For example, the string "Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise " (trailing space included) may be necessary to retrieve information using this property.
This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedSystemElement.
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MaxLen (6), MappingStrings ("Win32API|National Language Support Functions|GetLocaleInfo|LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE")
Code page value an operating system uses. A code page contains a character table that an operating system uses to translate strings for different languages. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) lists values that represent defined code pages. If an operating system does not use an ANSI code page, this member is set to 0 (zero). The CodeSet string can use a maximum of six characters to define the code page value.
Example: "1255"
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("Win32API|National Language Support Functions|GetLocaleInfo|LOCALE_ICOUNTRY")
Code for the country/region that an operating system uses. Values are based on international phone dialing prefixes—also referred to as IBM country/region codes. This property can use a maximum of six characters to define the country/region code value.
Example: "1" (United States)
Name of the first concrete class that appears in the inheritance chain used in the creation of an instance. When used with other key properties of the class, this property allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be identified uniquely.
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Propagated ("CIM_ComputerSystem.CreationClassName"), CIM_Key, MaxLen (256)
Creation class name of the scoping computer system.
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("Win32API|System Information Structures|OSVERSIONINFOEX|szCSDVersion")
NULL-terminated string that indicates the latest service pack installed on a computer. If no service pack is installed, the string is NULL.
Example: "Service Pack 3"
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Propagated ("CIM_ComputerSystem.Name"), CIM_Key, MaxLen (256)
Name of the scoping computer system.
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Data type: sint16
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Units ("minutes")
Number, in minutes, an operating system is offset from Greenwich mean time (GMT). The number is positive, negative, or zero.
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Data type: boolean
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("WMI")
When the data execution prevention hardware feature is available, this property indicates that the feature is set to work for 32-bit applications if True. On 64-bit computers, the data execution prevention feature is configured in the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) store and the properties in Win32_OperatingSystem are set accordingly.
Data type: boolean
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("WMI")
Data execution prevention is a hardware feature to prevent buffer overrun attacks by stopping the execution of code on data-type memory pages. If True, then this feature is available. On 64-bit computers, the data execution prevention feature is configured in the BCD store and the properties in Win32_OperatingSystem are set accordingly.
Data type: boolean
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("WMI")
When the data execution prevention hardware feature is available, this property indicates that the feature is set to work for drivers if True. On 64-bit computers, the data execution prevention feature is configured in the BCD store and the properties in Win32_OperatingSystem are set accordingly.
Data type: uint8
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("WMI")
Indicates which Data Execution Prevention (DEP) setting is applied. The DEP setting specifies the extent to which DEP applies to 32-bit applications on the system. DEP is always applied to the Windows kernel.
Always Off (0)
DEP is turned off for all 32-bit applications on the computer with no exceptions. This setting is not available for the user interface.
Always On (1)
DEP is enabled for all 32-bit applications on the computer. This setting is not available for the user interface.
Opt In (2)
DEP is enabled for a limited number of binaries, the kernel, and all Windows-based services. However, it is off by default for all 32-bit applications. A user or administrator must explicitly choose either the Always On or the Opt Out setting before DEP can be applied to 32-bit applications.
Opt Out (3)
DEP is enabled by default for all 32-bit applications. A user or administrator can explicitly remove support for a 32-bit application by adding the application to an exceptions list.
Data type: boolean
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("Win32API|GetSystemMetrics|SM_DEBUG")
Operating system is a checked (debug) build. If True, the debugging version is installed. Checked builds provide error checking, argument verification, and system debugging code. Additional code in a checked binary generates a kernel debugger error message and breaks into the debugger. This helps immediately determine the cause and location of the error. Performance may be affected in a checked build due to the additional code that is executed.
Data type: string
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: Override ("Description"), MappingStrings ("WMI")
Description of the Windows operating system. Some user interfaces for example, those that allow editing of this description, limit its length to 48 characters.
Data type: boolean
Access type: Read-only
If True, the operating system is distributed across several computer system nodes. If so, these nodes should be grouped as a cluster.
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
Encryption level for secure transactions: 40-bit, 128-bit, or n-bit.
40-bit (0)
128-bit (1)
n-bit (2)
Data type: uint8
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("Win32Registry|SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\PriorityControl|Win32PrioritySeparation")
Increase in priority is given to the foreground application. Application boost is implemented by giving an application more execution time slices (quantum lengths).
None (0)
The system boosts the quantum length by 6.
Minimum (1)
The system boosts the quantum length by 12.
Maximum (2)
The system boosts the quantum length by 18.
Data type: uint64
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Units ("kilobytes")
Number, in kilobytes, of physical memory currently unused and available.
For more information about using uint64 values in scripts, see Scripting in WMI.
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Data type: uint64
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIF.DMTF|System Memory Settings|001.4"), Units ("kilobytes")
Number, in kilobytes, that can be mapped into the operating system paging files without causing any other pages to be swapped out.
For more information about using uint64 values in scripts, see Scripting in WMI.
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Data type: uint64
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Units ("kilobytes")
Number, in kilobytes, of virtual memory currently unused and available.
For more information about using uint64 values in scripts, see Scripting in WMI.
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Data type: datetime
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIF.DMTF|ComponentID|001.5"), DisplayName ("Install Date")
Date object was installed. This property does not require a value to indicate that the object is installed.
This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedSystemElement.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: DEPRECATED
This property is obsolete and not supported.
Optimize for Applications (0)
Optimize memory for applications.
Optimize for System Performance (1)
Optimize memory for system performance.
Data type: datetime
Access type: Read-only
Date and time the operating system was last restarted.
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Data type: datetime
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIB.IETF|HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.hrSystemDate", "MIF.DMTF|General Information|001.6")
Operating system version of the local date and time-of-day.
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("Win32API|National Language Support Functions|GetLocaleInfo|LOCALE_ILANGUAGE")
Language identifier used by the operating system. A language identifier is a standard international numeric abbreviation for a country/region. Each language has a unique language identifier (LANGID), a 16-bit value that consists of a primary language identifier and a secondary language identifier.
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("WMI")
Name of the operating system manufacturer. For Windows-based systems, this value is "Microsoft Corporation".
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIB.IETF|HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.hrSystemMaxProcesses")
Maximum number of process contexts the operating system can support. The default value set by the provider is 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF). If there is no fixed maximum, the value should be 0 (zero). On systems that have a fixed maximum, this object can help diagnose failures that occur when the maximum is reached—if unknown, enter 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF).
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Data type: uint64
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Units ("kilobytes")
Maximum number, in kilobytes, of memory that can be allocated to a process. For operating systems with no virtual memory, typically this value is equal to the total amount of physical memory minus the memory used by the BIOS and the operating system. For some operating systems, this value may be infinity, in which case 0 (zero) should be entered. In other cases, this value could be a constant, for example, 2G or 4G.
For more information about using uint64 values in scripts, see Scripting in WMI.
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Data type: string array
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("WMI")
Multilingual User Interface Pack (MUI Pack ) languages installed on the computer. For example, "en-us". MUI Pack languages are resource files that can be installed on the English version of the operating system. When an MUI Pack is installed, you can change the user interface language to one of 33 supported languages.
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Operating system instance within a computer system.
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
Number of user licenses for the operating system. If unlimited, enter 0 (zero). If unknown, enter -1.
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIB.IETF|HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.hrSystemProcesses")
Number of process contexts currently loaded or running on the operating system.
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIB.IETF|HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.hrSystemNumUsers")
Number of user sessions for which the operating system is storing state information currently.
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("WMI")
Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) number for the operating system. These values are the same as the PRODUCT_* constants defined in WinNT.h that are used with the GetProductInfo function.
The following list lists possible SKU values.
Ultimate Edition, e.g. Windows Vista Ultimate.
Home Basic Edition
Home Premium Edition
Enterprise Edition
Business Edition
Windows Server Standard Edition (Desktop Experience installation)
Windows Server Datacenter Edition (Desktop Experience installation)
Small Business Server Edition
Enterprise Server Edition
Starter Edition
Datacenter Server Core Edition
Standard Server Core Edition
Enterprise Server Core Edition
Web Server Edition
Home Server Edition
Storage Express Server Edition
Windows Storage Server Standard Edition (Desktop Experience installation)
Windows Storage Server Workgroup Edition (Desktop Experience installation)
Storage Enterprise Server Edition
Server For Small Business Edition
Small Business Server Premium Edition
Windows Enterprise Edition
Windows Ultimate Edition
Windows Server Web Server Edition (Server Core installation)
Windows Server Standard Edition without Hyper-V
Windows Server Datacenter Edition without Hyper-V (full installation)
Windows Server Enterprise Edition without Hyper-V (full installation)
Windows Server Datacenter Edition without Hyper-V (Server Core installation)
Windows Server Standard Edition without Hyper-V (Server Core installation)
Windows Server Enterprise Edition without Hyper-V (Server Core installation)
Microsoft Hyper-V Server
Storage Server Express Edition (Server Core installation)
Storage Server Standard Edition (Server Core installation)
Storage Server Workgroup Edition (Server Core installation)
Storage Server Enterprise Edition (Server Core installation)
Windows Professional
Windows Server Essentials (Desktop Experience installation)
Small Business Server Premium (Server Core installation)
Windows Compute Cluster Server without Hyper-V
Windows RT
Windows Home
Windows Professional with Media Center
Windows Mobile
Windows IoT (Internet of Things) Core
Windows Server Datacenter Edition (Nano Server installation)
Windows Server Standard Edition (Nano Server installation)
Windows Server Datacenter Edition (Server Core installation)
Windows Server Standard Edition (Server Core installation)
Windows Enterprise for Virtual Desktops (Azure Virtual Desktop)
Windows Server Datacenter: Azure Edition
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("Win32Registry|Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion|RegisteredOrganization")
Company name for the registered user of the operating system.
Example: "Microsoft Corporation"
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Architecture of the operating system, as opposed to the processor. This property can be localized.
Example: 32-bit
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("Win32Registry|DEFAULT\\Control Panel\\International|Locale")
Language version of the operating system installed. The following list lists the possible values. Example: 0x0807 (German, Switzerland).
1 (0x1)
4 (0x4)
Chinese (Simplified)– China
9 (0x9)
1025 (0x401)
Arabic – Saudi Arabia
1026 (0x402)
1027 (0x403)
1028 (0x404)
Chinese (Traditional) – Taiwan
1029 (0x405)
1030 (0x406)
1031 (0x407)
German – Germany
1032 (0x408)
1033 (0x409)
English – United States
1034 (0x40A)
Spanish – Traditional Sort
1035 (0x40B)
1036 (0x40C)
French – France
1037 (0x40D)
1038 (0x40E)
1039 (0x40F)
1040 (0x410)
Italian – Italy
1041 (0x411)
1042 (0x412)
1043 (0x413)
Dutch – Netherlands
1044 (0x414)
Norwegian – Bokmal
1045 (0x415)
1046 (0x416)
Portuguese – Brazil
1047 (0x417)
1048 (0x418)
1049 (0x419)
1050 (0x41A)
1051 (0x41B)
1052 (0x41C)
1053 (0x41D)
1054 (0x41E)
1055 (0x41F)
1056 (0x420)
1057 (0x421)
1058 (0x422)
1059 (0x423)
1060 (0x424)
1061 (0x425)
1062 (0x426)
1063 (0x427)
1065 (0x429)
1066 (0x42A)
1069 (0x42D)
Basque (Basque)
1070 (0x42E)
1071 (0x42F)
Macedonian (North Macedonia)
1072 (0x430)
1073 (0x431)
1074 (0x432)
1076 (0x434)
1077 (0x435)
1078 (0x436)
1080 (0x438)
1081 (0x439)
1082 (0x43A)
1084 (0x43C)
Scottish Gaelic (United Kingdom)
1085 (0x43D)
1086 (0x43E)
Malay – Malaysia
2049 (0x801)
Arabic – Iraq
2052 (0x804)
Chinese (Simplified) – PRC
2055 (0x807)
German – Switzerland
2057 (0x809)
English – United Kingdom
2058 (0x80A)
Spanish – Mexico
2060 (0x80C)
French – Belgium
2064 (0x810)
Italian – Switzerland
2067 (0x813)
Dutch – Belgium
2068 (0x814)
Norwegian – Nynorsk
2070 (0x816)
Portuguese – Portugal
2072 (0x818)
Romanian – Moldova
2073 (0x819)
Russian – Moldova
2074 (0x81A)
Serbian – Latin
2077 (0x81D)
Swedish – Finland
3073 (0xC01)
Arabic – Egypt
3076 (0xC04)
Chinese (Traditional) – Hong Kong SAR
3079 (0xC07)
German – Austria
3081 (0xC09)
English – Australia
3082 (0xC0A)
Spanish – International Sort
3084 (0xC0C)
French – Canada
3098 (0xC1A)
Serbian – Cyrillic
4097 (0x1001)
Arabic – Libya
4100 (0x1004)
Chinese (Simplified) – Singapore
4103 (0x1007)
German – Luxembourg
4105 (0x1009)
English – Canada
4106 (0x100A)
Spanish – Guatemala
4108 (0x100C)
French – Switzerland
5121 (0x1401)
Arabic – Algeria
5127 (0x1407)
German – Liechtenstein
5129 (0x1409)
English – New Zealand
5130 (0x140A)
Spanish – Costa Rica
5132 (0x140C)
French – Luxembourg
6145 (0x1801)
Arabic – Morocco
6153 (0x1809)
English – Ireland
6154 (0x180A)
Spanish – Panama
7169 (0x1C01)
Arabic – Tunisia
7177 (0x1C09)
English – South Africa
7178 (0x1C0A)
Spanish – Dominican Republic
8193 (0x2001)
Arabic – Oman
8201 (0x2009)
English – Jamaica
8202 (0x200A)
Spanish – Venezuela
9217 (0x2401)
Arabic – Yemen
9226 (0x240A)
Spanish – Colombia
10241 (0x2801)
Arabic – Syria
10249 (0x2809)
English – Belize
10250 (0x280A)
Spanish – Peru
11265 (0x2C01)
Arabic – Jordan
11273 (0x2C09)
English – Trinidad
11274 (0x2C0A)
Spanish – Argentina
12289 (0x3001)
Arabic – Lebanon
12298 (0x300A)
Spanish – Ecuador
13313 (0x3401)
Arabic – Kuwait
13322 (0x340A)
Spanish – Chile
14337 (0x3801)
Arabic – U.A.E.
14346 (0x380A)
Spanish – Uruguay
15361 (0x3C01)
Arabic – Bahrain
15370 (0x3C0A)
Spanish – Paraguay
16385 (0x4001)
Arabic – Qatar
16394 (0x400A)
Spanish – Bolivia
17418 (0x440A)
Spanish – El Salvador
18442 (0x480A)
Spanish – Honduras
19466 (0x4C0A)
Spanish – Nicaragua
20490 (0x500A)
Spanish – Puerto Rico
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("Win32Registry|SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions|ProductSuite"), BitValues ("Small Business", "Enterprise", "BackOffice", "Communication Server", "Terminal Server", "Small Business(Restricted)", "Embedded NT", "Data Center")
Installed and licensed system product additions to the operating system. For example, the value of 146 (0x92) for OSProductSuite indicates Enterprise, Terminal Services, and Data Center (bits one, four, and seven set). The following list lists possible values.
1 (0x1)
Microsoft Small Business Server was once installed, but may have been upgraded to another version of Windows.
2 (0x2)
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise is installed.
4 (0x4)
Windows BackOffice components are installed.
8 (0x8)
Communication Server is installed.
16 (0x10)
Terminal Services is installed.
32 (0x20)
Microsoft Small Business Server is installed with the restrictive client license.
64 (0x40)
Windows Embedded is installed.
128 (0x80)
A Datacenter edition is installed.
256 (0x100)
Terminal Services is installed, but only one interactive session is supported.
512 (0x200)
Windows Home Edition is installed.
1024 (0x400)
Web Server Edition is installed.
8192 (0x2000)
Storage Server Edition is installed.
16384 (0x4000)
Compute Cluster Edition is installed.
Data type: uint16
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_OperatingSystem.OtherTypeDescription")
Type of operating system. The following list identifies the possible values.
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Unknown (0)
Other (1)
DGUX (4)
Digital Unix (6)
OpenVMS (7)
HPUX (8)
AIX (9)
MVS (10)
OS400 (11)
OS/2 (12)
JavaVM (13)
MSDOS (14)
WIN3x (15)
WIN95 (16)
WIN98 (17)
WINNT (18)
WINCE (19)
NCR3000 (20)
NetWare (21)
OSF (22)
DC/OS (23)
Reliant UNIX (24)
SCO UnixWare (25)
SCO OpenServer (26)
Sequent (27)
IRIX (28)
Solaris (29)
SunOS (30)
U6000 (31)
TandemNSK (33)
TandemNT (34)
BS2000 (35)
LINUX (36)
Lynx (37)
XENIX (38)
VM/ESA (39)
Interactive UNIX (40)
FreeBSD (42)
NetBSD (43)
GNU Hurd (44)
OS9 (45)
MACH Kernel (46)
Inferno (47)
QNX (48)
EPOC (49)
IxWorks (50)
VxWorks (51)
MiNT (52)
BeOS (53)
HP MPE (54)
NextStep (55)
PalmPilot (56)
Rhapsody (57)
Windows 2000 (58)
Dedicated (59)
OS/390 (60)
VSE (61)
TPF (62)
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MaxLen (64), ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_OperatingSystem.OSType")
Additional description for the current operating system version.
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Data type: Boolean
Access type: Read-only
If True, the physical address extensions (PAE) are enabled by the operating system running on Intel processors. PAE allows applications to address more than 4 GB of physical memory. When PAE is enabled, the operating system uses three-level linear address translation rather than two-level. Providing more physical memory to an application reduces the need to swap memory to the page file and increases performance. To enable, PAE, use the "/PAE" switch in the Boot.ini file. For more information about the Physical Address Extension feature, see Physical Address Extension.
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("Win32Registry|Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion|Plus! ProductId")
Not supported.
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("Win32Registry|Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion|Plus! VersionNumber")
Not supported.
Data type: boolean
Access type: Read-only
Specifies whether the operating system booted from an external USB device. If true, the operating system has detected it is booting on a supported locally connected storage device.
Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista: This property is not supported before Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.
Data type: boolean
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("WMI")
Specifies whether this is the primary operating system.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
Additional system information.
Work Station (1)
Domain Controller (2)
Server (3)
Data type: uint8
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("Win32Registry|SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\PriorityControl|Win32PrioritySeparation")
Not supported
**Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista: **
The QuantumLength property defines the number of clock ticks per quantum. A quantum is a unit of execution time that the scheduler is allowed to give to an application before switching to other applications. When a thread runs one quantum, the kernel preempts it and moves it to the end of a queue for applications with equal priorities. The actual length of a thread's quantum varies across different Windows platforms. For Windows NT/Windows 2000 only.
The possible values are.
Unknown (0)
One tick (1)
Two ticks (2)
Data type: uint8
Access type: Read/write
Not supported
**Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista: **
The QuantumType property specifies either fixed or variable length quantums. Windows defaults to variable length quantums where the foreground application has a longer quantum than the background applications. Windows Server defaults to fixed-length quantums. A quantum is a unit of execution time that the scheduler is allowed to give to an application before switching to another application. When a thread runs one quantum, the kernel preempts it and moves it to the end of a queue for applications with equal priorities. The actual length of a thread's quantum varies across different Windows platforms.
The possible values are.
Unknown (0)
Fixed (1)
Variable (2)
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("Win32Registry|Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion|RegisteredOwner")
Name of the registered user of the operating system.
Example: "Ben Smith"
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("Win32Registry|Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion|ProductId")
Operating system product serial identification number.
Example: "10497-OEM-0031416-71674"
Data type: uint16
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("Win32API|System Information Structures|OSVERSIONINFOEX|wServicePackMajor")
Major version number of the service pack installed on the computer system. If no service pack has been installed, the value is 0 (zero).
Data type: uint16
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("Win32API|System Information Structures|OSVERSIONINFOEX|wServicePackMinor")
Minor version number of the service pack installed on the computer system. If no service pack has been installed, the value is 0 (zero).
Data type: uint64
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIF.DMTF|System Memory Settings|001.3"), Units ("kilobytes")
Total number of kilobytes that can be stored in the operating system paging files—0 (zero) indicates that there are no paging files. Be aware that this number does not represent the actual physical size of the paging file on disk.
For more information about using uint64 values in scripts, see Scripting in WMI.
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MaxLen (10), DisplayName ("Status")
Current status of the object. Various operational and nonoperational statuses can be defined. Operational statuses include: "OK", "Degraded", and "Pred Fail" (an element, such as a SMART-enabled hard disk drive may function properly, but predicts a failure in the near future). Nonoperational statuses include: "Error", "Starting", "Stopping", and "Service". The Service status applies to administrative work, such as mirror-resilvering of a disk, reload of a user permissions list, or other administrative work. Not all such work is online, but the managed element is neither "OK" nor in one of the other states.
This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedSystemElement.
OK ("OK")
Error ("Error")
Degraded ("Degraded")
Unknown ("Unknown")
Pred Fail ("Pred Fail")
Starting ("Starting")
Stopping ("Stopping")
Service ("Service")
Stressed ("Stressed")
NonRecover ("NonRecover")
No Contact ("No Contact")
Lost Comm ("Lost Comm")
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: BitMap ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"), BitValues ("Windows Server, Small Business Edition", "Windows Server, Enterprise Edition", "Windows Server, Backoffice Edition", "Windows Server, Communications Edition", "Microsoft Terminal Services", "Windows Server, Small Business Edition Restricted", "Windows Embedded", "Windows Server, Datacenter Edition", "Single User", "Windows Home Edition", "Windows Server, Web Edition")
Bit flags that identify the product suites available on the system.
For example, to specify both Personal and BackOffice, set SuiteMask to 4 | 512
or 516
Small Business
Terminal Services
Small Business Restricted
Embedded Edition
Datacenter Edition
Single User
Home Edition
Web Server Edition
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("Win32API|Registry Functions|GetPrivateProfileString|Paths|TargetDevice")
Physical disk partition on which the operating system is installed.
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("Win32API|System Information FunctionsGetSystemDirectory)
System directory of the operating system.
Example: "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32"
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Letter of the disk drive on which the operating system resides. Example: "C:"
Data type: uint64
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Units ("kilobytes")
Total swap space in kilobytes. This value may be NULL (unspecified) if the swap space is not distinguished from page files. However, some operating systems distinguish these concepts. For example, in UNIX, whole processes can be swapped out when the free page list falls and remains below a specified amount.
For more information about using uint64 values in scripts, see Scripting in WMI.
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Data type: uint64
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Units ("kilobytes")
Number, in kilobytes, of virtual memory. For example, this may be calculated by adding the amount of total RAM to the amount of paging space, that is, adding the amount of memory in or aggregated by the computer system to the property, SizeStoredInPagingFiles.
For more information about using uint64 values in scripts, see Scripting in WMI.
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Data type: uint64
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Units ("kilobytes")
Total amount, in kilobytes, of physical memory available to the operating system. This value does not necessarily indicate the true amount of physical memory, but what is reported to the operating system as available to it.
For more information about using uint64 values in scripts, see Scripting in WMI.
This property is inherited from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Override ("Version"), MappingStrings ("Win32API|System Information Structures|OSVERSIONINFOEX|dwMajorVersion, dwMinorVersion")
Version number of the operating system.
Example: "4.0"
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("Win32API|System Information Functions|GetWindowsDirectory")
Windows directory of the operating system.
Example: "C:\WINDOWS"
The Win32_OperatingSystem class is derived from CIM_OperatingSystem.
Any operating system that can be installed on a computer that can run a Windows-based operating system is a descendant or member of this class. Win32_OperatingSystem is a singleton class. To get the single instance, use "@" for the key.
Unlike most of the other WMI classes generated by MgmtClassGen, the OperatingSystem.CreateInstance() method will return a blank OperatingSystem object. Therefore, if you are using C# with MgmtClassGen, you can use the following code:
WMI.OperatingSystem os = new ROOT.CIMV2.win32.OperatingSystem();
You can find a VBScript example that obtains operating system and processor data from Win32_ComputerSystem, Win32_Processor, and Win32_OperatingSystem in the Win32_Processor topic examples.
The following script obtains the instances of Win32_OperatingSystem in the default "Root\CIMv2" namespace, and then displays information about the operating system.
On Error Resume Next
' Connect to WMI and obtain instances of Win32_OperatingSystem
For Each objOS in GetObject( _
"winmgmts:").InstancesOf ("Win32_OperatingSystem")
WScript.Echo "Name = " & objOS.Caption & "Version = " & objOS.Version &VBCR _
& "Registered User = " & objOS.RegisteredUser &VBCR _
& "Manufacturer = " & objOS.Manufacturer
if Err <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo Err.Description
End if
The following PowerShell code sample displays all the operating information about the current OS.
# get instance
$os = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem
# output information:
"The class has {0} properties" -f $
"Details on this class:"
$os | Format-List *
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client |
Windows Vista |
Minimum supported server |
Windows Server 2008 |
Namespace |
Root\CIMV2 |
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