How to: Modify the Browsing Scope in the Object Browser
The Object Browser allows you to view objects and their members within a given browsing scope. The Browse drop-down menu in the Object Browser toolbar allows you to choose from various browsing scopes, and includes an option that lets you redefine the Custom Component Set scope.
Choose Edit Custom Component Set from the Browse list.
The Edit Custom Component Set dialog box is displayed.
Select the tab for the type of component you want to add or remove.
Double-click a component name.
- or -
CTRL+click to select multiple components, and then click the Add button.
Choose Edit Custom Component Set from the Browse list.
The Edit Custom Component Set dialog box is displayed.
Double-click an entry in the Selected projects and components list.
- or -
CTRL+click to select multiple entries, and then click the Remove button.
Click OK to return to the Object Browser and apply changes to the Custom Component Set list.
Removing a component from the Custom Component Set browsing scope does not delete the component from your system. It only removes the component from the list to be browsed.
Choose Edit Custom Component Set from the Browse list.
The Edit Custom Component Set dialog box is displayed.
Use the Remove button to remove any unneeded components from the list.
Select the Browse tab, and navigate to the file for the desired component.
You can, for example, select a source browser (.bsc) file.
To add a selected component file to the Selected projects and components list, click Add.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have selected all of the external components you want.
Click OK to return to the Object Browser and apply the changes to the Custom Component Set list.
Settings made to the Custom Component Set browsing scope are retained between sessions of Visual Studio. The list of components that you have chosen is saved in the Visual Studio user application directory.
c:\Documents and Settings\<USERNAME>\Application Data\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\ObjBrowEX.dat
Deleting this file clears the Custom Component Set list.
How to: Navigate in the Object Browser
How to: Search for Objects, Definitions, and References (Symbols)
Using .Bsc Files to Enable Browsing To References of C++ Symbols