CallContexts and Direct Remoting
This topic is specific to a legacy technology that is retained for backward compatibility with existing applications and is not recommended for new development. Distributed applications should now be developed using the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).
This section describes the use of the CallContext class and dynamic publication.
- Using Call Context
Describes the use of CallContext objects to share information between a remoting server and client.
- Direct Remoting
Describes the basic calls necessary to dynamically publish types or revoke publication.
- System.Runtime.Remoting
Provides classes and interfaces that allow developers to create and configure distributed applications.
- Sinks and Sink Chains
Describes the sink chain and how to modify the sink chain to extend the functionality of the basic remoting system.
- Extending RealProxy
Describes how to extend the RealProxy class to intercept calls at the moment of invocation.
- Remoting Examples
Contains several complete sample applications that use different elements of the remoting infrastructure.
Build Date: 2011-02-07