File Installation Management in Deployment
The File System Editor allows you to add project outputs, files, and other items to a deployment project and specify where they will be installed on the target computer.
By default the File System Editor displays a standard set of folders that correspond to the standard folder structure on a target computer. You can also add your own sub-folders to any folder, select from a list of additional special folders, or add a top-level custom folder.
When you select any folder or item in the File System Editor, any related properties are displayed and can be edited in the Properties window.
Most items in the File System Editor, including subfolders, project outputs, files, and shortcuts, can be moved between folders by dragging with the mouse or by the Cut and Paste commands on the Edit menu.
The following topics describe tasks that can be accomplished in the File System Editor.
Topic |
Description |
Describes how to specify the folder structure for a target computer. |
How to: Add and Remove Project Outputs in the File System Editor |
Explains how to specify where project outputs will be installed on a target computer. |
Describes how to specify where files will be installed on a target computer. |
Describes how to prevent files within a project output group from being installed. |
How to: Set Installation Conditions for a File in a Deployment Project |
Explains how to specify conditions for installing files. |
Shows how to create shortcuts on a target computer. |
Describes how to add assemblies to a deployment project. |
Topic |
Description |
Describes the properties available for the File System Editor. |
Explains how to open the deployment editors. |
Describes the Registry Editor, which allows you to specify registry keys and values to be added to the registry of the target computer. |
Describes the File Types Editor, which is used to establish file associations on the target computer. |
Describes the User Interface Editor, which can be used to specify and set properties for predefined dialog boxes that are displayed during installation on the target computer. |
Describes the Custom Actions Editor, which allows you to specify additional actions to be performed on the target computer at the end of an installation. |
Describes the Launch Conditions Editor, which allows you to specify conditions that must be met in order to successfully run an installation. |
Describes new features related to setup and deployment. |