Methods (Windows Script Host)
The following sections include information about the methods of Windows Script Host.
AddPrinterConnection Method
Adds a DOS-style printer connection to your computer.AddWindowsPrinterConnection Method
Adds a Windows-style printer connection to your computer.AppActivate Method
Activates an application window.Close Method
Closes an open stream.ConnectObject Method
Connects an object's event sources to functions with a given prefix.Count Method
Returns the number of switches in the WshNamed or WshUnnamed objects.CreateObject Method
Creates an object specified by the strProgID parameter.CreateScript Method
Creates a WshRemote object (an object that represents an instance of a script running in a remote process).CreateShortcut Method
Creates an object reference to a shortcut or URLshortcut.DisconnectObject Method
Disconnects a previously connected object from Windows Script Host.Echo Method
Sends output to a dialog box or the console.EnumNetworkDrives Method
Returns the current network drive mappings.EnumPrinterConnections Method
Returns the current network printer mappings.Exec Method
Runs an application in a child command-shell, providing access to the stdin/stdout/stderr channels, and the sharing of environment variables.Execute Method
Starts execution of a remote script object.Exists Method
Indicates whether a specific key value exists in the WshNamed object.ExpandEnvironmentStrings Method
Expands the requested environment variable from the running process and returns the result string.GetObject Method
Retrieves an Automation object from a file or an object specified by the strProgID parameter.getResource Method
Returns the value of a resource defined with the resource element.LogEvent Method
Logs an event in the Windows NT event log or WSH.log file.MapNetworkDrive Method
Maps the share point specified by strRemoteName to the local resource name strLocalName.Popup Method
Displays a pop-up message box window that contains the message contained in strText.Quit Method
Quits execution with a specified error code.Read Method
Reads a specified number of characters from an input stream and returns the resulting string.ReadAll Method
Reads an entire input stream and returns the resulting string.ReadLine Method
Reads an entire line (up to, but not including, the newline character) from an input stream and returns the resulting string.RegDelete Method
Deletes from the registry the key or value named by strName.RegRead Method
Returns the registry key or value named by strName.RegWrite Method
Sets the registry key or value named by strName.Remove Method
Deletes the environment variable specified by strName.RemoveNetworkDrive Method
Removes the current resource connection denoted by strName.RemovePrinterConnection Method
Removes the current resource connection denoted by strName.Run Method
Creates a new process that executes strCommand.Save Method
Saves a shortcut to the specified location.SendKeys Method
Sends one or more keystrokes to the active window (as if typed on the keyboard).SetDefaultPrinter Method
Sets the default printer to the remote printer specified.ShowUsage Method
Displays information about how a script should be used.Sign Method
Signs a script stored in a string.SignFile Method
Signs a script using a digital signature.Skip Method
Skips a specified number of characters when reading an input stream.SkipLine Method
Skips the next line when reading an input stream.Sleep Method
Places the script process into an inactive state for the number of milliseconds specified and then continues execution.Terminate Method (WshScriptExec)
Instructs the script engine to end the process started by the Exec method.Verify Method
Verifies a digital signature retrieved as a string.VerifyFile Method
Verifies the digital signature encapsulated in a script.Write Method
Writes a specified string to an output stream.WriteBlankLines Method
Writes a specified number of newline characters to an output stream.WriteLine Method
Writes a specified string and newline character to an output stream.
WSH Language
List of elements that make up WSH Reference.Windows Script Host Basics
Learn the basics of WSH.