MSBuild Reference
MSBuild is the new build system for Microsoft and Visual Studio. This section contains MSBuild reference information.
- MSBuild Project File Schema Reference
Describes all of the XML elements that make up the MSBuild file format.
- MSBuild Task Reference
Describes some of the common tasks that ship with MSBuild.
- MSBuild Conditions
Describes the conditions available in MSBuild files.
- MSBuild Conditional Constructs
Describes how to use the Choose, While, and Otherwise elements.
- MSBuild Reserved Properties
Describes the MSBuild reserved properties.
- MSBuild Command Line Reference
Describes the arguments and switches available for use with MSBuild.exe.
- MSBuild .Targets Files
Describes the .Targets files included with MSBuild.
- MSBuild Well-known Item Metadata
Lists the metadata that is created with every item.
- MSBuild Response Files
Explains the .rsp files that contain command line switches.
- Additional Resources for MSBuild
Provides links to MSBuild Web sites and newsgroups.