Scribbler Technology Sample
This sample demonstrates a drawing application on a Pocket PC and shows the use of Windows Forms and drawing in the .NET Compact Framework. The user can select different colors to draw lines on the screen.
This sample is available only in Visual Basic.
For information about using the samples, see the following topics:
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the VB subdirectory of the Scribbler directory.
Double-click the Scribbler.sln file to open it in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.
Press F5 to compile and run the sample. You will be prompted to select whether to deploy the sample to a Pocket PC or to a Pocket PC emulator.
The .NET Compact Framework is required to build or run the sample. See How to: Install the .NET Compact Framework for installation instructions.
Capturing user input to draw free form designs, which could be used for capturing signatures.