Visual Basic for Applications Technical Support

Microsoft has engaged Summit Software Company, the Authorized VBA Agent, to provide you with a wide range of support services before, during, and after the VBA licensing process. Summit is available to provide you with licensing information, integration support, design & implementation consulting, as well as assistance with all aspects of the VBA Partner Program. They also act as liaisons to the Microsoft programmability and marketing team responsible for VBA.

Summit will help ensure your success with VBA by providing the following services:

  • Business & Technical Analysis
    Summit can answer your questions regarding the business and technical benefits of VBA, as well as the licensing process itself. They can help you formulate the business case for your customers and help you better understand how VBA can fit into your product-development and business strategies.
  • Integration Support
    Summit can help you with the technical process of integrating VBA into your software, even before you license VBA from Microsoft. They have a skilled staff of professional developers and support personnel ready to provide assistance. Summit's developers onsite at MS corporate are there to escalate your requests if necessary.
  • Design & Implemetation Consulting
    Delivering a great VBA experience to VBA developers who use your application depends on a robust COM object model in your application. Summit Software has extensive experience designing and implementing object models, and can provide invaluable assistance to your software development team.
  • VBA Partner Program
    Summit can help you take advantage of the many opportunities offered through the VBA Partner Program.

Summit Software Company
4933 Jamesville Road
Jamesville, NY 13078-9428
Ph: (315) 445-9000
Fax: (315) 445-9567