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SignedDataBlockObject members

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Represents a set of data in a Microsoft Office InfoPath form which can be signed.

The SignedDataBlockObject type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Caption Gets the signature confirmation message of the SignedDataBlockObject object. (Inherited from SignedDataBlock.)
Public property Name Gets the friendly name of a SignedDataBlockObject object. (Inherited from SignedDataBlock.)
Public property SignatureContainer Gets the root XML node of the subtree containing the signatures in the SignedDataBlockObject object. (Inherited from SignedDataBlock.)
Public property SignatureRelation Gets the relation among multiple signatures of the SignedDataBlockObject object, expressed as XdSignatureRelation enumerated constants. (Inherited from SignedDataBlock.)
Public property Signatures Gets a reference to the SignaturesCollection collection associated with the SignedDataBlockObject object. (Inherited from SignedDataBlock.)
Public property XPath Gets the XPath expression of a SignedDataBlockObject object. (Inherited from SignedDataBlock.)
Public property XPathNamespaceDeclarations Gets the namespace declarations for the XPath expression returned by the XPath property of a SignedDataBlockObject object. (Inherited from SignedDataBlock.)



  Name Description
Public method Sign Invokes the Digital Signatures Wizard to add a digital signature to the currently selected set of data which can be signed in a Microsoft Office InfoPath form. (Inherited from SignedDataBlock.)


See also


SignedDataBlockObject interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.InfoPath namespace