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Access Developer Reference

This page links to help on widely used report-related tasks. To view other categories of popular tasks covered in Help, see How Do I… in Access.


How to: Apply a Custom Ribbon to a Form or Report

Describes how to display a custom ribbon when a particular form or report is opened.

How to: Call Procedures in a Subform or Subreport

Describes how to call a procedure that is stored in a subform or subreport from the main form or report.

How to: Create Alternating Row Colors on a Report

Describes how to apply shading to every other row in a report.


How to: Assign a Control a Value From a Table

Describes how to use the DLookup function to display the value of a field that is not in the record source for your form or report.

How to: Set Form, Report, and Control Properties in Code

Describes how to set properties of forms, reports, and controls.


How to: Programmatically Retrieve Printer Capabilities

Describes how to use the Windows API to determine a printer's capabilities.

How to: Retrieve a List of Installed Printers

Describes how to use the Printers collection to determine the installed printers.

How to: Work with Form and Report Printer Settings

Describes how to set or retrieve printer settings for a specific form or report.


How to: Apply a Filter When Opening a Form or Report

Describes several techniques for filtering a form or report as it opens.

How to: Cancel an Event

Lists the events that can be canceled programmatically.

How to: Change the Filter or Sort Order of a Form or Report

Describes how to change the filter or sort order of a form or report in response to users' actions.

How to: Close a Report Automatically If It Does Not Contain Any Records

Describes how to to cancel opening or printing a report when it has no data.

How to: Filter a Report Using a Form's Filter

Describes how to open a report that contains only the filtered records of a form.

See Also

How Do I... in Access