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Access Developer Reference

This page links to help on widely used form-related tasks. To view other categories of popular tasks covered in Help, see How Do I... in Access.

User Input

How to: Add a Value to a Bound Combo Box

Describes how to add a use the NotInList event to add a new value to a bound combo box.

How to: Determine Whether The Current Record is a New Record In a Form

Illustrates how to use the NewRecord property to determine if the current record is a new record.

How to: Display a Custom Dialog Box When the User Deletes a Record

Describes how to use the BeforeDelConfirm event procedure to display a custom dialog box when the user deletes a record.

How to: Perform Simple Data Validation Checks When Editing a Record in a Form

Describes how to use the BeforeUpdate event of a form or a control to perform validation checks on data entered into a form or control.

How to: Prompt a User Before Saving a Record

Describes how to ask a user for confirmation before saving a record.

How to: Use Numeric Criteria from a Control on a Form

Describes how to specify numeric criteria coming from a control on a form.

How to: Use Textual Criteria from a Control on a Form

Describes how to specify textual criteria coming from a control on a form.

How to: Use User Input to Build Filter Criteria

Describes how to build criteria based on user input.


How to: Add "(All)" to a Combo Box or List Box

Describes how to add an (All) entry at the top of a combo box.

How to: Allow Users to Add Items to an Unbound Combo Box

Describes how to use the NotInList event to add a new value to an unbound combo box.

How to: Assign a Control a Value From a Table

Describes how to use the DLookup function to display the value of a field that is not in the record source for your form or report.

How to: Call Procedures in a Subform or Subreport

Describes how to call a procedure that is stored in a subform or subreport form the main form or report.

How to: Hide a Subform if the Main Form Contains No Records

Describes how to hide a subform when its main form contains no records.

How to: Prevent the Accidental Erasure of Data When Moving Between Controls on a Form

Describes how to avoid erasing data accidentally when moving between controls.

How to: Refer to Tab Control Objects in VBA

Describes how to use tab controls on a form.

How to: Set Form, Report, and Control Properties in Code

Describes how to set properties of forms, reports, and controls.


How to: Apply a Custom Ribbon to a Form or Report

Describes how to display a custom ribbon when a particular form or report is opened.

How to: Bind a Form to an ADO Recordset

Describes how to set a form's Recordset property to an open ADO Recordset object.

How to: Create a DAO Recordset From a Form

Describes how to create a Recordset object based on an Access form.

How to: Create Multiple Instances of a Form

Illustrates how to open multiple copies of the same form.

How to: Synchronize a DAO Recordset's Record with a Form's Current Record

Describes how to synchronize a recordset's record with the form's current record.

How to: Synchronize Two Combo Boxes on a Form

Describes how to limit the choices in a combo box when selecting an item in another combo box.

How to: Use Date and Time Criteria from a Control on a Form

Describes how to change the criteria argument for an operation based on a user's decision.


How to: Apply a Filter When Opening a Form or Report

Describes several techniques for filtering a form or report as it opens.

How to: Cancel an Event

Lists the events that can be canceled programmatically.

How to: Cancel the Deletion of a Record by Using Custom Criteria

Illustrates how to prevent the deletion of a record based on custom criteria.

How to: Change the Filter or Sort Order of a Form or Report

Describes how to change the filter or sort order of a form or report in response to users' actions.

How to: Disable PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN Keys in a Form

Illustrates how to use a form's KeyDown event to disable the use of the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys in the form.

How to: Prompt a User Before Closing a Form

Describes how to ask a user for confirmation before closing a form.

How to: Suspend Code Execution Until a Pop-Up Form is Closed

Describes how to use the OpenForm method to suspend code until a pop-up form is closed.


How to: Programmatically Retrieve Printer Capabilities

Describes how to use the Microsoft Windows API to determine a printer's capabilities.

How to: Retrieve a List of Installed Printers

Describes how to use the Printers collection to determine the installed printers.

How to: Work with Form and Report Printer Settings

Describes how to set or retrieve printer settings for a specific form or report.

See Also

How Do I... in Access