

Note    This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.

Checks to see if the user has access to play the game in the specified GDF.

  const BSTR bstrGDFBinaryPath,
  BOOL* pfHasAccess


  • bstrGDFBinaryPath
    [in] A string that contains the fully qualified path of the binary that contains the game definition file (GDF). The GDF must be present in the default resource location.
  • pfHasAccess
    [out] Whether the current game will be allowed to run for the current user, given the current Parental Controls settings.

Return Values

This function returns an HRESULT. Use the SUCCEEDED and FAILED macros to test the return value of this function.


This method does not require AddGame to be called previously or at any other time. It can be used at any time to verify whether or not the current user can run a binary associated with a GDF.

Games should call this method every time they are run. This allows parental controls to work, even if the game was installed on a FAT32 volume which does not support ACLs to lock the user out of the game.


Header: Declared in GameUX.h.