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IMessenger::Signout Method

Deprecated. Signs the current client user out of all Mesenger services.



Return Value

Returns one of the following values:

S_OK Success.
E_FAIL Could not find the Messenger object or could not send the outgoing protocol message.
MSGR_E_NOT_LOGGED_ON Not signed in to the primary service when the sign-out was attempted.


If the client supports sign-in to multiple services, this method will disconnect the client from all services.

If successful, invoking this method will result in a DMessengerEvents::OnSignout event. Signing out also results in a DMessengerEvents::OnMyStatusChange event with mMYStatusOE=MISTATUS_LOCAL_DISCONNECTING_FROM_SERVER. This state persists until the server of the service receives and responds to the protocol-level logoff command.

Note  This method is not available for scripting languages.

Important  IMessenger::Signout is no longer available in Windows Vista. See Windows Messenger for more information.

See Also
