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IMessengerContacts::Remove Method

Deprecated. Removes a MessengerContact object from a collection.


HRESULT Remove(      
    IDispatch *pMContact


  • pMContact
    [in] Pointer to an IDispatch World Wide Web link interface on a MessengerContact object to be removed from the collection.

Return Value

Returns one of the following values. 

S_OK Success.
E_FAIL Object pointed to by pMContact is not in the collection (as determined locally by the client).
E_POINTER pMContact is a NULL pointer.
E_NOTIMPL Cannot be accessed through scripting.


If this method is successful (returns S_OK), invoking this method will result in a DMessengerEvents::OnContactListRemove event. This event includes any errors generated by the server, including MSGR_E_USER_NOT_FOUND, on an attempt to remove a MessengerContact object that did not exist in a list.

Note  This method is available for scripting languages only in a trusted zone.

Important  IMessengerContacts::Remove is no longer available in Windows Vista. See Windows Messenger for more information.

See Also
