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IMessengerConversationWnd Interface

Deprecated. An interface that returns an IDispatch World Wide Web link pointer to an IMessengerContacts collection that contains the participants of that conversation, excluding the local user. This is a read-only collection. IMessengerGroups::Remove cannot be used on this collection.

IMessengerConversationWnd Members

AddContact Adds another user to the current conversation.
Contacts Retrieves a read-only collection of contacts in the conversation window.
History Returns the text from the history of the conversation window.


Important  IMessengerConversationWnd is no longer available in Windows Vista. See Windows Messenger for more information.

Interface Information

Stock Implementation msgsc.dll
Custom Implementation No
Inherits from IMessengerWindow
Header and IDL files msgrua.h, msgrua.idl
Minimum availability Messenger 4.5
Minimum operating systems Windows XP