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IMessengerWindow Interface

Deprecated. The automation interface for a Messenger window.

IMessengerWindow Members

Close Closes a Messenger window. If the window is a conversation window, terminates any sessions contained in it.
Height Sets or retrieves the height of a Messenger window.
HWND Retrieves a window handle to a Messenger window.
IsClosed Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates the open or closed state of the window.
Left Sets or retrieves the left screen position of a Messenger window, in pixels.
Property Sets or retrieves the conversation window properties.
Show Sets the visibility status of a Messenger window.
Top Sets or retrieves the vertical position of a Messenger window relative to the screen, in pixels.
Width Sets or retrieves the horizontal dimension of a Messenger window, in pixels.


A Messenger window is either the main application window or any window opened by the main application window. Different API options can apply. Most dialog boxes (for example, Add a Contact and Options) cannot be controlled through the MessengerWindow APIs. These dialog boxes are considered child windows of the main Messenger application window. They can be launched by invoking Microsoft Windows Messenger APIs.

The main application window is active as long as the executable is running (even in the notification area). Use the IMessenger::Window property, which returns a pointer to a pointer to the IDispatch World Wide Web link interface. However, if the application window was previously minimized to the notification area through IMessengerWindow::Close or user action, it may also be necessary to invoke the IMessengerWindow::Show method on the application window.

For the conversation window, use the IMessenger::InstantMessage method or its variants (IMessenger::StartVoice, IMessenger::SendFile, IMessenger::Page, IMessenger::InviteApp), which return a pointer to a pointer to the IDispatch interface on a new or existing MessengerWindow object.

To reference an existing MessengerWindow, use the return value of the methods used to invoke the window, such as IMessenger::InstantMessage or its variants.

Important  IMessengerWindow is no longer available in Windows Vista. See Windows Messenger for more information.

Interface Information

Stock Implementation msgsc.dll
Custom Implementation No
Inherits from IDispatch World Wide Web link
Header and IDL files msgrua.h, msgrua.idl
Minimum availability Messenger 4.0
Minimum operating systems Windows XP