NonDefaultDropMenuVerb Sample

Demonstrates how to extend the drag-and-drop shortcut menu (sometimes referred to as a context menu).

This topic contains the following sections.


Product Minimum Product Version
Windows Windows Vista
Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) 7.0


Downloading the Sample

Location Path URL
GitHub NonDefaultDropMenuVerb sample

Building the Sample

To build the sample from the command prompt:

  1. Open the command prompt window and navigate to the NonDefaultDropMenuVerb project directory.
  2. Enter msbuild NonDefaultDropMenuVerb.sln.

To build the sample using Microsoft Visual Studio (preferred):

  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the NonDefaultDropMenuVerb project directory.
  2. Double-click the icon for the NonDefaultDropMenuVerb.sln file to open the project in Visual Studio.
  3. From the Build menu, select Build Solution.

Running the Sample

  1. Navigate to the directory that contains the new DLL file, using the command prompt or Windows Explorer.
  2. Copy NonDefaultDropMenuVerb.dll to the System directory (for example, C:\Windows\System32).
  3. At a command prompt, enter regedit NonDefaultDropMenuVerb.reg.
  4. Use the right mouse button to drag a file from one folder to another. You will see additional menu items for the drop operation.