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BackgroundModes Enumeration

Contains values that indicate the type of background to display when audio or video is playing.

  public enum BackgroundModes


Value Description
AlbumArtMosaic Displays the animated mosaic of the album art from the Music library.
AudioAnimated Displays a standard animated sine wave background.
Color Displays a specified color (as specified in MediaCenterEnvironment.BackgroundColor2).
CustomMaskedVideo Displays an image (as specified in MediaCenterEnvironment.SetBackgroundImage) at 50% transparency over the current background color or currently-playing video.
HeavyMaskedVideo Displays a heavy blue mask over full-screen video.
Image Displays an image (as specified in MediaCenterEnvironment.SetBackgroundImage) over the current background color or currently-playing video.
LightMaskedVideo Displays a light blue mask over full-screen video.
None Displays no background (a black colorfill).
StandardAnimated Displays the standard animated blue background video that is used throughout Windows Media Center. If the computer's graphics card renderer does not support animation, StandardImage mode is used.
StandardImage Displays the standard static blue background image that is used throughout Windows Media Center.
Video Displays the currently playing video as full screen.

The following members are used by Windows Media Center internally, and are not set by the developer:

  • Animated
  • Audio
  • Complex
  • HeavyMask
  • LightMask
  • Standard


Reference: Microsoft.MediaCenter

Namespace: Microsoft.MediaCenter

Assembly: Microsoft.MediaCenter.dll

Platform: Windows 7

See Also