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EventSchedule.CreateScheduleRequest Method

Creates a new recording request.


public CreateScheduleRequestResult CreateScheduleRequest(
  System.Xml.XmlReader  requestConstraints,
  ConflictResolutionPolicy  conflictPolicy,
  string  originatorDescription,
  [out] ScheduleRequest  scheduleRequest



System.Xml.XmlReader.  Specifies the XML reader for request XML. For more information about the schema of the request XML, see Scheduling Recorded TV with Click-To-Record.


Microsoft.MediaCenter.TV.Scheduling.ConflictResolutionPolicy.  Specifies a member of the ConflictResolutionPolicy enumeration that specifies how to resolve scheduling conflicts.


System.String.  Represents the name of the component that is creating the recording request.


Microsoft.MediaCenter.TV.Scheduling.ScheduleRequest.  A ScheduleRequest object that represents the request created by this method. This value is null if the request is not scheduled.

Return Value

Microsoft.MediaCenter.TV.Scheduling.CreateScheduleRequestResult.  A member of the CreateScheduleRequestResult enumeration that indicates the result of this request.

This method raises an ArgumentNullException if either the requestConstraints or originatorDescription parameter is null. This method raises an EventScheduleException for any other errors except the cases defined by the CreateResult enumeration.


If the specified program has already been reserved, the result of the CreateScheduleRequest method is "AlreadyScheduled". Such a request is not treated as a new request with conflicts, and a new request is not generated.


Reference: ehRecObj

Namespace: Microsoft.MediaCenter.TV.Scheduling

Assembly: ehRecObj.dll

Platform: Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Home Premium, and later

See Also