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Windows Media Player 11 SDK Thumb Image Source 

Windows Media Player SDK banner art

Thumb Image Source

You must define the name of the file that contains the thumb image. This must be a valid file name with the extension .bmp, .gif, .jpg, or .png. The file must contain three side-by-side images of identical size. They must be adjacent to each other with no space between. The top-left position of the left image must be at the top-left corner of the file. The image on the left side is the normal image for the thumb image, and the image in the middle depicts the pushed state and the image on the right depicts the disabled state.


You may want to make certain areas of the thumb image transparent. This will allow you to create thumb images in shapes other than rectangular. Any region of the thumb image that you fill with the color specified by the RGB value 255, 0, 255 will appear transparent in your skin.

See Also