Using LSA Authentication

The following topics describe how to use Local Security Authority (LSA) Authentication to authenticate and log users on to the local system. They describe how to write custom authentication, security and subauthentication packages and how to access the LSA from a custom logon application, such as a custom GINA. This information is intended for developers creating applications that define new logon procedures or new security protocols.

Topic Description

Supporting New Logon Protocols

Describes the custom components you can create to support new types of logon procedures.

Creating Custom Authentication Packages

Describes how to create a custom authentication package to process user logon data from new devices, such as smart card readers and retina scanners.

Creating Subauthentication Packages

Describes how to create a custom subauthentication package that extends the functionality of the MSV1_0 authentication package.

Registering Custom Authentication Packages

Describes how to install packages.

Using LSA from a Logon Application

Explains the tasks a logon application such as GINA can perform using LSA Authentication functions.

Using LSA from an Authentication Package

Describes tasks a custom authentication package can perform using LSA.


For information about using standard user name and password data to log users on to a system, see the LogonUser topic in Client/Server Access Control Functions.



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Build date: 4/6/2010