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Causes deployment after a build (or a rebuild).

devenv/deploy ConfigName[/project ProjName] [/projectconfig ConfigName] SolutionName 


  • ConfigName
    Required. The configuration to use.
  • SolutionName
    Required. The path and name of the solution file (.sln). If you want to build and deploy a single project configuration, use the /project ProjName argument to specify the project name.
  • /project ProjName
    Optional. The project file name, as an absolute path or a relative path from the directory containing the solution file. You can also specify the project display name. Use this argument to build a single project within a solution with multiple projects.
  • /projectconfig ConfigName
    Optional. The name of the build configuration.


The specified project must be a deployment project. If the specified project is not a deployment project, when the project that has been built is passed to be deployed, it fails with an error.

  • Paths that include spaces must be enclosed in double quotation marks.
  • Summary information for deployment appears in the Command Prompt window, the Solution Builder view of the Output window, and any .log file specified by the /out argument.


This example deploys the release configuration of the solution MySolution.

devenv /deploy release "c:\MySolutions\Visual Studio Projects\MySolution\MySolution.sln"

See Also

Devenv Command Line Switches | /build