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Set Datasource Location Dialog Box

Use the Set Datasource Location dialog box to specify a new database or a new location for the database used in the report. To access this dialog box, right-click in the Database Fields folder in the Field Explorer and click Set Datasource Location.


To display the Field Explorer, click the Crystal Reports menu, click Field Explorer.

Current Data Source This list displays the database and tables currently used in the report. The main report is shown as the root node.


  • All subreports are located under one node so that the data sources for them are grouped together. A data source used in two or more subreports is indicated by a different icon at the data source level.
  • If a table is used in two or more subreports but the alias name is different, the real table name is appended to the end.

Expanding the Properties node for a data source or for a table displays detailed information about the item. Some entries in the Properties node, such as Database Name, have shortcut menu options.

Replace With This list displays the same options as the Data tab of the Database Expert. See Data Tab (Database Expert) for information about how to select a new data source or table.
Update Click the Update button to update the new data source information in the Current Data Source list. If the new data source is different from the one you're replacing, the Map Fields dialog box appears.

See Also