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Chart Color Format Expert Dialog Box

The Chart Color Format Expert appears when you click the Format button in the "Chart color" area of the Options Tab (Chart Expert). The expert lets you conditionally apply color based on chart value fields. You apply a color to the selected item by specifying a condition.

The dialog box is divided into two areas: the Item list area displays the formula conditions; the Item editor area lets you create the formula conditions.


  • If your chart type is line, the chart must have data markers before you can see conditional formatting.
  • An area chart must have two "On change of" values for conditional formatting to appear.
  • After you apply conditional formatting, you must select "Color by Group" on the Look tab of the Chart Options dialog box before you will be able to see your formatting. To set this option, right-click your chart, point to Chart Options on the shortcut menu, and select General from the submenu. This note applies to line, 3-D Riser, and 3-D Surface charts with one "On change of" field, as well as to bar, numeric axis, 3-D Surface, radar, stock, and gauge charts with two summaries.
Item list The Item list displays the chart color formula conditions created for the currently selected field.
Priority Use the Priority buttons in the Item list of the Chart Color Format Expert to set the priorities for your formulas.
New Click the New button to create a new formula with the default settings.
Remove Use the Remove button to discard unwanted Chart Color Format formulas for the currently selected field.
Value of Use this list to select the field upon which the condition is based. That is, choose a field for X in the following phrase: "If the value of field X meets condition A, then apply the selected color."
Comparison list From this second list, select the comparison for your conditional formula. This comparative phrase works as the operator in your conditional formula.
Field values Use this box to enter the value to which you want to apply color formatting. For example, to apply the color red when the value is equal to $25,000, type 25,000 in this box.

If the field selected in the "Value of" list is nonnumeric, then you can select from a list of available values.

Format color Use this list to select a color for the field value to which you want to apply conditional color formatting.

See Also