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DataSet Tab, Toolbox

Displays the objects you can add to a typed dataset. The DataSet tab of the Toolbox is available when a dataset is open in the Dataset Designer. For more information, see Dataset Designer.

User Interface Element List

  • TableAdapter
    Creates a TableAdapter. When you drag a TableAdapter onto the Dataset Designer, the TableAdapter Configuration Wizard opens and assists you in the creation of the TableAdapter. For more information, see TableAdapter Configuration Wizard.

  • Query
    Opens the TableAdapter Query Configuration Wizard.

  • DataTable
    Creates a DataTable in a dataset. When you drag a DataTable onto the Dataset Designer, an undefined DataTable object is added to the dataset.

  • Relation
    Opens the Relation dialog box that is used to create and edit relationships between data tables. For more information, see Relation Dialog Box.

See Also


How to: Create TableAdapters

How to: Create TableAdapter Queries

How to: Create DataRelations with the Dataset Designer

Other Resources

Designing DataTables

Connecting to Data in Visual Studio

Preparing Your Application to Receive Data

Fetching Data into Your Application

Displaying Data on Forms in Windows Applications

Editing Data in Your Application

Validating Data

Saving Data