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RemoteResourceUri Class

Used to construct and access a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies a remote resource. A URI string can contain the following segments:


You can set the full string and the other properties will parsed from it. Or, set the individual properties to construct the URI in segments.

  public class RemoteResourceUri : Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.ModelItem

Public Instance Constructor

Method Description
RemoteResourceUri Initializes a new instance of the RemoteResourceUri class.

Public Instance Properties

Property Description
Fragment Gets or sets the fragment segment of the URI string.
FullString Gets or sets the entire URI as a string.
Host Gets or sets the host segment of the URI string.
Password Gets or sets the password segment of the URI string.
Path Gets or sets the path segment of the URI string.
PathSegments Gets or sets a list of path segments of the URI string.
Port Gets or sets the port segment of the URI string.
Query Gets or sets the query segment of the URI string.
QueryPairs Gets or sets query name-value pairs in the URI string.
Scheme Gets or sets the scheme segment of the URI string.
Uri Gets or sets the entire URI as a System.URI object.
UserName Gets or sets the username segment of the URI string.

Public Instance Events

Event Description
UriChanged Raised when the remote resource URI changes.


Reference: Microsoft.MediaCenter

Namespace: Microsoft.MediaCenter.DataAccess

Assembly: Microsoft.MediaCenter.dll

Platform: Windows 7

See Also