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Microsoft.MediaCenter.ListMaker Namespace

The Windows Media Center application object model provides the following API elements to support list creation and CD/DVD recording applications. The following types are in the Microsoft.MediaCenter.ListMaker namespace, which is in the microsoft.mediacenter.dll assembly.

The Microsoft.MediaCenter.ListMaker namespace exposes the following classes:

Class Description
CreateFileListHelper Enables an MCML-based application to access a collection of list items from the Windows Media Center media libraries.
ListMakerItem Enables a CD/DVD recording application to access individual items from a list of files provided by Windows Media Center.
ListMakerList Enables a CD/DVD recording application to access a collection of list items provided by Windows Media Center.

The Microsoft.MediaCenter.ListMaker namespace exposes the following interfaces:

Interface Description
IDiscWriterApp Enables the exchange of disc-related information between Windows Media Center and a CD/DVD recording application.
ICreateFileListHelper Enables an application to access a collection of list items from the Windows Media Center media libraries.
IListMakerApp Enables a CD/DVD recording application to customize the list-making portion of the Windows Media Center user interface and to receive user-created lists of files from Windows Media Center.

The Microsoft.MediaCenter.ListMaker namespace exposes the following enumeration types:

Enumeration type Description
CapacityFormat Defines the format in which a CD/DVD recording application provides status information.
ClosedReason Defines the user actions that indicate how a list was closed.
DiscFormats Defines the disc recording formats that are supported by a CD/DVD recording application.
InitialListType Indicates the type of list to use when initializing a list application.
MediaTypes Defines the types of media that a CD/DVD recording application can support.

The Microsoft.MediaCenter.ListMaker namespace exposes the following delegates and event arguments:

Delegate or event argument Description
CompletionCallback Handles completion events from a list application.

The Microsoft.MediaCenter.ListMaker namespace defines the following exceptions:

Exception Description
AppendNotSupportedException Contains information about an exception raised because a CD/DVD recording application does not support appending files to the current medium.
CgmsNoRightsException Contains information about an exception raised because an attempt was made to copy broadcast media content protected by Copy General Management System Analog (CGMS-A).
DeviceInUseException Contains information about an exception raised because another process is using the required recording device.
DiscSpaceException Contains information about an exception raised by a CD/DVD recording application, indicating that the amount of available disc space is not adequate to complete the recording operation.
DrmNoRightsException Contains information about an exception raised because an attempt was made to copy DRM-protected content, but the user has not been granted the right to copy the content.
FileAlreadyExistsException Contains information about an exception raised because the file list contains a duplicate file.
FileCorruptException Contains information about an exception raised because a file contains corrupted data.
FileNotFoundException Contains information about an exception raised because a file could not be located.
FitToDiscException Contains information about an exception raised by a CD/DVD recording application, indicating that an error occurred during a recording operation in which the fit-to-disc feature is being used.
InstallationException Contains information about an exception raised because of problems with the installation of the application.
ListMakerException Contains information about an exception raised by a CD/DVD recording application while processing files from Windows Media Center.
NoDeviceException Contains information about an exception raised because no recording device exists.
NoMediaException Contains information about an exception raised by a CD/DVD recording application, indicating that the recording device contains no recording medium.
NotEnoughDiskForStashException Contains information about an exception raised because the hard disk does not have enough space available to store temporary files.
UnsupportedFileException Contains information about an exception raised by a CD recording application, indicating that the file is corrupted or is in an unsupported file format.
UserAbortException Contains information about an exception raised because the user ended a recording operation before it was finished.
WrongMediaTypeException Contains information about an exception raised by a CD/DVD recording application, indicating that the application does not support the specified type of recording medium.

See Also