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KeySpline Property (SplineColorKeyFrame)

Gets or sets the two control points that define animation progress for this key frame.

<object KeySpline="KeySpline" .../>
value = object.KeySpline
object.KeySpline = value

Property Value


The two control points that specify the cubic Bezier curve which defines the progress of the key frame.

This property is read/write. The default value is "0,0 1,1".


To specify a KeySpline, use the following string format: "cp1x,cp1y cp2x,cp2y". For details, see remarks for KeySpline.

To understand how a KeySpline works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the KeySpline defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment.

Applies To


See Also

Silverlight Key-Frame Animations Overview