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UserProfile members

Represents a user profile for a person in the user profile database.

The UserProfile type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AccountName Gets the account name of the user profile.
Public property Colleagues Gets a ColleagueManager object that enables you to access and modify this user's colleagues.
Public property CurrentChangeToken Gets the current UserProfileChangeToken object for the change logs of this profile's ProfileType. (Inherited from ProfileBase.)
Public property DisplayName Gets or sets the value that represents the display name of this user profile. (Overrides ProfileBase.DisplayName.)
Public property EmailOptin Gets the user's setting for the Email Notifications property.
Public property FeedIdentifier Gets the user's setting for the Feed service provider defined identifier property.
Public property FollowedContent Gets the manager object that enables you to access and modify this user's followed content.
Public property ID Gets the GUID for this profile. (Inherited from ProfileBase.)
Public property Item Gets the value of the specified property.
Public property Memberships Gets a MembershipManager object that enables you to access and modify this user's group memberships.
Public property MultiloginAccounts Gets an array of string objects that represent the accounts that are secondary to the master account.
Public property O15FirstRunExperience
Public property Parent (Overrides ProfileBase.Parent.)
Public property PersonalizationLinks Gets a PersonalizationLinkManager object that enables you to access and modify this user's personalization links.
Public property PersonalSite Gets the personal site of the user.
Public property PersonalSiteCapabilities Gets projected capabilities for the user’s personal site.
Public property PersonalSiteInstantiationState Gets an instantiation of the state of the personal site.
Public property PersonalUrl Gets the user’s personal URL.
Public property PictureImportEnabled Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the user's picture is enabled for import from Exchange.
Public property ProfileManager Gets the UserProfileManager object for this user profile.
Public property ProfileManagerBase Gets the manager associated with this profile object. (Overrides ProfileBase.ProfileManagerBase.)
Public property ProfileSubtype Gets or sets the profile subtype for this property. (Inherited from ProfileBase.)
Protected property ProfileSubtypeId Gets or sets the profile subtype ID. (Inherited from ProfileBase.)
Public property ProfileType Gets the profile type for the profile. (Overrides ProfileBase.ProfileType.)
Public property Properties Gets the ProfileSubtypePropertyManager object for this profile. (Inherited from ProfileBase.)
Public property PublicOrganizationViewUrl Gets the URL of the organization view page for this profile. (Inherited from ProfileBase.)
Public property PublicUrl Gets the URL of the public profile page for this profile. (Overrides ProfileBase.PublicUrl.)
Public property QuickLinks Gets the QuickLinkManager object for this user profile.
Public property RecordId Gets the profile's record identifier. (Inherited from ProfileBase.)
Public property RemotePersonalSiteHostUrl Gets the absolute URL string for the user's remote personal site host, if one exists.
Public property StatusNote
Public property Suggestions Returns a SuggestionManager object that enables you to create and retrieve this user’s colleague and keyword suggestions.
Public property UrlToCreatePersonalSite Gets the URL that is used to create the user's personal site.
Public property ViewerRights Returns a bitmask of the viewer's rights to see this profile's data. (Inherited from ProfileBase.)



  Name Description
Public method Commit Commits changes made to the user profile to the user profile database. (Overrides ProfileBase.Commit().)
Public method CreatePersonalSite() Creates a personal site for this user if a personal site does not already exist.
Public method CreatePersonalSite(Int32) Creates a personal site for this user if a personal site does not already exist.
Public method CreatePersonalSiteEnque Enqueues creating a personal site for this user, which can be used to share documents, web pages, and other files.
Public method Equals Determines whether the specified object is identical to the current profile. (Inherited from ProfileBase.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetChanges() Returns all changes made to this user's data. (Overrides ProfileBase.GetChanges().)
Public method GetChanges(ProfileBaseChangeQuery) Returns changes to this user’s data that are defined by the specified change query. (Overrides ProfileBase.GetChanges(ProfileBaseChangeQuery).)
Public method GetChanges(UserProfileChangeToken) Returns all changes made to this user's data since a given time specified by the change token. (Overrides ProfileBase.GetChanges(UserProfileChangeToken).)
Public method GetColleagueChanges() Obsolete. Returns all changes made to this user's colleagues' data.
Public method GetColleagueChanges(UserProfileChangeQuery) Obsolete. Returns all changes made to this user's colleagues' data that are defined by the specified change query.
Public method GetColleagueChanges(UserProfileChangeToken) Obsolete. Returns all changes made to this user's colleagues' data since the time specified by the change token.
Public method GetCommonManager
Public method GetDirectReports Gets an array of user profiles that represent users who report directly to this user.
Public method GetEnumerator Gets an enumerator for the properties of a user profile such as property name or property value pairs.
Public method GetExtendedReports Gets an array of user profiles representing users who are extended reports of this user.
Public method GetHashCode Returns the hash code for the unique identifier of this profile. (Inherited from ProfileBase.)
Public method GetManager Gets the user profile that represents this user’s manager.
Public method GetManagers Gets an array of user profiles that represents the manager hierarchy for this user.
Public method GetMyDirectReportOrganizations Obsolete. Returns an array of organization profiles representing organizations that report to this user.
Public method GetMyOrganizationChains Obsolete. Returns an array of organization profiles, including child organizations.
Public method GetMyOrganizations() Obsolete. Returns an array of organization profiles representing organizations to which this user directly belongs.
Public method GetMyOrganizations(Boolean) Obsolete. Returns an array of organization profiles representing organizations to which this user directly belongs.
Public method GetPeers Gets an array of user profiles that represent users who report to the same manager as this user.
Public method GetProfileValueCollection Returns a list of values for the user profile property with the specified name. (Overrides ProfileBase.GetProfileValueCollection(String).)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetViewerRights (Overrides ProfileBase.GetViewerRights().)
Public method IsProfileOwner Returns a value that indicates whether the specified user is an owner of this user profile. (Overrides ProfileBase.IsProfileOwner(UserProfile).)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method RefreshManagers Updates the names of managers identified in the user’s profile.
Public method ShareAllSocialData Sets the privacy settings for this profile.
Public method SID Gets the profile's unique identifier. (Inherited from ProfileBase.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


See also


UserProfile class

Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles namespace