FileTypes Interface


A collection of values of the type MsoFileType that determine which types of files are returned by the Execute(MsoSortBy, MsoSortOrder, Boolean) method of the FileSearch object.

public interface class FileTypes : Microsoft::Office::Core::_IMsoDispObj, System::Collections::IEnumerable
public interface FileTypes : Microsoft.Office.Core._IMsoDispObj, System.Collections.IEnumerable
type FileTypes = interface
    interface _IMsoDispObj
    interface IEnumerable
Public Interface FileTypes
Implements _IMsoDispObj, IEnumerable


Use the FileTypes property with the FileSearch object to return a FileTypes collection.

Note: The FileType property of the FileSearch object clears the FileTypes collection and sets the first item in the collection to the file type defined by the FileType property.

There is only one FileTypes collection for all searches, so it's important to clear the FileTypes collection before executing a search unless you wish to search for file types from previous searches. The easiest way to clear the collection is to set the FileType property to the first file type for which you want to search. You can also remove individual types using the Remove(Int32) method. To determine the file type of each item in the collection, use the Item[Int32] method to return the msoFileType value.



Returns an Application object that represents the container application for the object.


Returns an Integer indicating the number of items in the specified collection.


Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which the specified object was created.


Returns a value that indicates which file type will be searched for by the Execute(MsoSortBy, MsoSortOrder, Boolean) method of the FileSearch object.



Adds a new file type to a file search.


Removes the specified object from the collection.

Applies to