VBScript Language Reference
The following sections include information about the elements that comprise the VBScript language.
- Feature Information
Includes links to topics that list the versions that introduced VBScript features and includes links to topics that explain the feature differences between VBScript and VBA.
- Constants
Lists the constants in VBScript and links to topics that explain how to use each constant.
- Errors
Includes links to run-time and syntax error messages.
- Events
Includes links to topics that explain events in VBScript.
- Functions
Lists VBScript functions and links to topics that explain how to use each function.
- Keywords
Includes links to topics that explain how to use keywords in VBScript.
- Methods
Includes links to topics that explain how to use methods in VBScript.
- Miscellaneous
Includes links to topics that are outside the normal category of VBScript language elements.
- Objects and Collections
Lists VBScript objects and collections and links to topics that explain how to use each object or collection.
- Operators
Includes links to topics that explain how to use operators in VBScript.
- Properties
Lists VBScript properties and links to topics that explain how to use each property.
- Statements
Lists VBScript statements and links to topics that explain how to use each statement.
- VBScript Fundamentals
Introduces VBScript features and elements.